r32 curve_ease_in_out(r32 t) { r32 tc = clamp(0, t, 1); r32 theta = (tc * r32_pi) - (r32_pi / 2.0f); r32 s = sinf(theta); r32 result = 0.5f + (s / 2.0f); return result; } #define incenter_pos_to_unit(p) (v4){ ((p.x / 6.0f) + 0.5f), ((p.y / 6.0f) + 0.5f), ((p.z / 6.0f) + 0.5f), 1.0f } #define incenter_pos_to_bimodal(p) (v4){ (p.x / 3.0f), (p.y / 3.0f), (p.z / 3.0f), 1.0f } void test_pattern(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels) { for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v4 p = pixels.positions[j]; pixels.pixels[j].r = (u8)(((sinf((5 * tt) + (p.x * 10)) + 1) * 0.5f) * 255); pixels.pixels[j].b = (u8)(((sinf((5 * tt) + (p.z * 10)) + 1) * 0.5f) * 255); } } void pattern_debug(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels) { r32 scale = 6; r32 offset = 0; for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v4 p = pixels.positions[j]; v4 pp = incenter_pos_to_unit(p); pixels.pixels[j].r = pp.x * 255; pixels.pixels[j].g = pp.y * 255; pixels.pixels[j].b = pp.z * 255; } } Assembly_Pixel color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(v3 c) { return (Assembly_Pixel){ .r = (u8)(c.x * 255), .g = (u8)(c.y * 255), .b = (u8)(c.z * 255), }; } Assembly_Pixel color_v3_to_assembly_pixel_faded(v3 c, r32 b) { return (Assembly_Pixel){ .r = (u8)(c.x * b * 255), .g = (u8)(c.y * b * 255), .b = (u8)(c.z * b * 255), }; } u8 u8_add_safe(u8 a, u8 b) { u8 r = a + b; if (r < a || r < b) r = 255; return r; } Assembly_Pixel assembly_pixel_add(Assembly_Pixel a, Assembly_Pixel b) { Assembly_Pixel result = { .r = u8_add_safe(a.r, b.r), .g = u8_add_safe(a.g, b.g), .b = u8_add_safe(a.b, b.b), }; return result; } Assembly_Pixel assembly_pixel_add_multi(u32 count, ...) { Assembly_Pixel result = {}; va_list args; va_start(args, count); for (u32 i = 0; i < count; i++) { Assembly_Pixel p = va_arg(args, Assembly_Pixel); result.r = u8_add_safe(result.r, p.r); result.g = u8_add_safe(result.g, p.g); result.b = u8_add_safe(result.b, p.b); } return result; } Assembly_Pixel assembly_pixel_scale(Assembly_Pixel p, r32 scale) { Assembly_Pixel result = { .r = (u8)(clamp(0, p.r * scale, 255)), .g = (u8)(clamp(0, p.g * scale, 255)), .b = (u8)(clamp(0, p.b * scale, 255)), }; return result; } Assembly_Pixel assembly_pixel_scale_u8(u32 r, u32 g, u32 b, r32 scale) { Assembly_Pixel result = { .r = (u8)(clamp(0, r * scale, 255)), .g = (u8)(clamp(0, g * scale, 255)), .b = (u8)(clamp(0, b * scale, 255)), }; return result; } Assembly_Pixel assembly_pixel_blend(Assembly_Pixel a, Assembly_Pixel b, r32 t) { r32 rf = lerp((r32)a.r, t, (r32)b.r); r32 gf = lerp((r32)a.g, t, (r32)b.g); r32 bf = lerp((r32)a.b, t, (r32)b.b); r32 rc = clamp(0, rf, 255); r32 gc = clamp(0, gf, 255); Assembly_Pixel result = { .r = (u8)rc, .g = (u8)clamp(0, gf, 255), .b = (u8)clamp(0, bf, 255), }; return result; } Assembly_Pixel color_ramp_eval_pixel(Color_Ramp ramp, r32 pct) { v3 c = color_ramp_eval(ramp, pct); Assembly_Pixel r = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(c); return r; } v3 sun_center_for_pos(v4 p, v4 center, r32 radius, r32 falloff) { v4 p_unit = incenter_pos_to_unit(p); r32 d0 = HMM_LengthVec4(HMM_SubtractVec4(p_unit, center)); r32 d1 = falloff - fabsf(d0 - (radius + (0.02f * sinf(tt)))); r32 b = d1 / falloff; v3 result = {}; if (b > 0) { v3 p0 = p.xyz; v3 p1 = HMM_AddVec3(p0, (v3){ tt, -tt, 0 }); v3 color = { .x = remap_r32(pm_fmb_3d(p0, tt), 0, 1, 0.5, 1), .y = remap_r32(pm_noise_v3_to_r32(p1), 0, 1, 0, 0.3f), .z = 0, }; result = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(color, b); } return result; } void sun_center(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, v4 center, r32 radius, r32 falloff) { for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v3 color = sun_center_for_pos(pixels.positions[j], center, radius, falloff); Assembly_Pixel ac = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color); pixels.pixels[j] = assembly_pixel_add(ac, pixels.pixels[j]); #if 0 r32 d0 = HMM_LengthVec4(HMM_SubtractVec4(p, center)); r32 d1 = falloff - fabsf(d0 - (radius + (0.02f * sinf(tt)))); r32 b = d1 / falloff; if (b > 0) { v3 p0 = pixels.positions[j].xyz; v3 p1 = HMM_AddVec3(p0, (v3){ tt, -tt, 0 }); v3 color = { .x = remap_r32(pm_fmb_3d(p0, tt), 0, 1, 0.5, 1), .y = remap_r32(pm_noise_v3_to_r32(p1), 0, 1, 0, 0.3f), .z = 0, }; Assembly_Pixel cc = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color); v3 color_b = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(color, b); Assembly_Pixel color_0 = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color_b); Assembly_Pixel color_1 = assembly_pixel_add(color_0, pixels.pixels[j]); pixels.pixels[j] = color_1; } #endif } } void grow_pattern_sphere_function(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, v4 center, r32 radius, r32 falloff, Assembly_Pixel inner_color) { for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v4 p = incenter_pos_to_unit(pixels.positions[j]); r32 d0 = HMM_LengthVec4(HMM_SubtractVec4(p, center)); r32 d1 = fabsf(d0 - (radius + (0.02f * sinf(tt)))); r32 d2 = falloff - d1; r32 b = d2 / falloff; r32 inner_b = d0 < (radius - falloff) ? 1 : 0; v3 color = { .x = 0.5f + 0.5f * sinf(p.x * r32_tau * 4.313f + tt * 1.3f), .y = 0.5f + 0.5f * cosf(0.2314f + p.y * r32_tau * 3.915f + tt), .z = 0.2f + 0.8f * p.z, }; v3 color_b = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(color, b); Assembly_Pixel color_0 = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color_b); Assembly_Pixel color_inner = assembly_pixel_scale(inner_color, inner_b); Assembly_Pixel color_1 = assembly_pixel_add_multi(3, color_0, color_inner, pixels.pixels[j]); pixels.pixels[j] = color_1; } } void grow_pattern(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, r32 time, Assembly_Pixel inner_color) { v4 center = (v4){}; r32 radius = 0; r32 falloff = 0; //phase 1 - light up to center if (time < 6) { r32 height = -0.2f + curve_ease_in_out(time / 4) * 0.5f; center = (v4){ 0.5f, 0.2f + height, 0.5f, 1 }; radius = lerp(0.01f, (time / 6), 0.05f); falloff = 0.1f; } else if (time >= 6) { r32 t = (time - 6) / 4; center = (v4){ 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1 }; radius = 0.05f + curve_ease_in_out(t) * 0.6f; falloff = 0.1f - (curve_ease_in_out(t) * 0.05f); } grow_pattern_sphere_function(pixels, center, radius, falloff, inner_color); } void pattern_color(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, u8 r, u8 g, u8 b) { for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { pixels.pixels[j].r = r; pixels.pixels[j].g = g; pixels.pixels[j].b = b; } } void pattern_blink(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels) { r32 t0 = clamp(0, tt, 1.5f) / 1.5f; r32 t1 = pm_smoothstep_r32(t0); r32 t2 = t1 * 0.43f; v4 center = (v4){ .x = 0.5f, .y = t2, .z = 0.5f, .w = 1, }; r32 o = remap_r32(sinf(tt), -1, 1, 0.0015f, 0.002f); for (u32 i = 0; i < pixels.len; i++) { v4 p = incenter_pos_to_unit(pixels.positions[i]); v2 ho = (v2){ .x = fabsf(p.x - 0.5f), .y = fabsf(p.z - 0.5f) }; r32 dh = HMM_LengthVec2(ho); if (p.y < center.y && dh < 0.01f) { pixels.pixels[i].r = 0; pixels.pixels[i].g = 128; pixels.pixels[i].b = 255; } } grow_pattern_sphere_function(pixels, center, o, 0.01f, (Assembly_Pixel){}); } u32 year = 2019; r32 month = (r32)MONTH_jan; #if 0 s32 test_data_find_nearest_row(Incenter_City_Id city, u32 year, Incenter_Month_Id month) { s32 row_index = -1; s32 nearest = 10000; s32 months = (year * 12) + month; for (s32 i = 0; i < test_data_len; i++) { Incenter_Test_Data_Row row = test_data[i]; if (row.city != city) continue; s32 row_months = (row.year * 12) + row.month; s32 months_offset = months - row_months; if (months_offset < nearest && months_offset >= 0) { nearest = months_offset; row_index = i; } } return row_index; } global r32 city_last_values[city_count] = { -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, -0.2f, }; global r32 city_last_vel[city_count]; global Assembly_Pixel pixel_white = { 255, 255, 255 }; global Assembly_Pixel pixel_black = { 0, 0, 0 }; void pattern_test_data_scene_hombre(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Assembly_Pixel color_before_a, Assembly_Pixel color_before_b, Assembly_Pixel color_at, Assembly_Pixel color_after) { Incenter_Test_Data_Row* rows = test_data; r32 rand_min = 1000; r32 rand_max = -1000; r32 month_delta = 1.0f / 24.0f; if (month >= 11) { s32 x = 5; } for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; s32 data_row = test_data_find_nearest_row(city, year, month); if (data_row < 0) continue; s32 data_row_next = data_row + 1; Incenter_Test_Data_Row row_curr = test_data[data_row]; r32 target_p = test_data[data_row].value_0; if (data_row_next < test_data_len) { Incenter_Test_Data_Row row_next = test_data[data_row_next]; if (row_next.city == row_curr.city) { r32 row_curr_months = (r32)((row_curr.year * 12) + row_curr.month); r32 row_next_months = (r32)((row_next.year * 12) + row_next.month); r32 curr_months = (r32)(year * 12) + month; r32 row_month_delta = row_next_months - row_curr_months; r32 delta_from_row_curr = curr_months - row_curr_months; r32 theta = delta_from_row_curr / row_month_delta; target_p = lerp(row_curr.value_0 * 0.8f, theta, row_next.value_0 * 0.8f); } } r32 last_value = city_last_values[city]; r32 dist_to_target = (target_p - last_value); r32 towards_target = dist_to_target > 0 ? 1 : -1; dist_to_target = fabsf(dist_to_target); r32 force_approach = dist_to_target * towards_target * 0.1f; city_last_vel[city] += force_approach; r32 max_vel = 0.01f; r32 force_damping = -max(1 - dist_to_target, 0) * (city_last_vel[city]); city_last_vel[city] = clamp(-1 * max_vel, city_last_vel[city] + force_damping, max_vel); city_last_values[city] += city_last_vel[city]; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { r32 pct = (r32)(strip.pixels_len - led) / (r32)strip.pixels_len; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; v4 led_pos = incenter_pos_to_unit(pixels.positions[led_index]); // max(-|pct -pct_r|, 0) ^ 10 r32 d0 = (-1 * fabsf(city_last_values[city] - pct)) + 1; r32 d1 = max(0, d0); r32 d2 = powf(d1, 20); r32 d2_inverse = 1 - d2; v3 noise_pos0 = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(HMM_AddVec3(led_pos.xyz, (v3){237, 111 + tt, 923}), 16); r32 at_noise = pm_fmb_3d(noise_pos0, 1); at_noise = pm_smoothstep_r32(at_noise); r32 d3 = d2; v3 noise_pos1 = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(HMM_AddVec3(led_pos.xyz, (v3){237, 111 + (tt * 0.3f), 923}), 16); r32 inner_noise = pm_smoothstep_r32(pm_fmb_3d(noise_pos1, 1)); r32 before = pct < city_last_values[city] ? d2_inverse : 0; r32 after = pct > city_last_values[city] ? d2_inverse : 0; Assembly_Pixel color_before_ = assembly_pixel_scale( assembly_pixel_blend(color_before_a, color_before_b, at_noise * at_noise * at_noise), before ); Assembly_Pixel color_after_ = assembly_pixel_scale(color_after, after - (0.8f * inner_noise)); Assembly_Pixel color_at_ = assembly_pixel_scale(color_at, d3); pixels.pixels[led_index] = assembly_pixel_add_multi(3, color_before_, color_after_, color_at_); } } month += month_delta; if (month > (r32)MONTH_Dec + 1) { month = (r32)MONTH_Jan; year += 1; if (year > 2022) { year = 2019; } } } void pattern_test_data_scene(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips) { Incenter_Test_Data_Row* rows = test_data; r32 month_delta = 1.0f / 24.0f; if (month >= 11) { s32 x = 5; } for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; s32 data_row = test_data_find_nearest_row(city, year, month); if (data_row < 0) continue; s32 data_row_next = data_row + 1; Incenter_Test_Data_Row row_curr = test_data[data_row]; r32 percent_r = test_data[data_row].value_0; r32 percent_g = test_data[data_row].value_1; r32 percent_b = test_data[data_row].value_2; if (data_row_next < test_data_len) { Incenter_Test_Data_Row row_next = test_data[data_row_next]; if (row_next.city == row_curr.city) { r32 row_curr_months = (r32)((row_curr.year * 12) + row_curr.month); r32 row_next_months = (r32)((row_next.year * 12) + row_next.month); r32 curr_months = (r32)(year * 12) + month; r32 row_month_delta = row_next_months - row_curr_months; r32 delta_from_row_curr = curr_months - row_curr_months; r32 theta = delta_from_row_curr / row_month_delta; percent_r = lerp(row_curr.value_0, theta, row_next.value_0); percent_g = lerp(row_curr.value_1, theta, row_next.value_1); percent_b = lerp(row_curr.value_2, theta, row_next.value_2); } } // printf("%d %f - %f\n", year, month, percent_r); for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { r32 pct = (r32)(strip.pixels_len - led) / (r32)strip.pixels_len; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; #if 0 pixels.pixels[led_index] = (Assembly_Pixel){ .r = 32, .g = 32, .b = 32, }; if (pct <= percent_r) pixels.pixels[led_index].r = 255; if (pct <= percent_g) pixels.pixels[led_index].g = 255; if (pct <= percent_b) pixels.pixels[led_index].b = 255; #else if (pct > percent_r) { pixels.pixels[led_index] = (Assembly_Pixel){ .r = 32, .g = 32, .b = 32, }; } else { r32 pct_dist = percent_r - pct; r32 ramp = (percent_r - pct_dist) / percent_r; ramp = ramp * ramp; pixels.pixels[led_index] = (Assembly_Pixel){ .r = 32 + (128 * ramp), .g = 128 + (128 * ramp), .b = 255, }; } #endif } } month += month_delta; if (month > (r32)MONTH_Dec + 1) { month = (r32)MONTH_Jan; year += 1; if (year > 2022) { year = 2019; } } } #endif void pattern_demo(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { // clear previous frame pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); r32 sun_limit = 5; if (tt < sun_limit) { r32 r = 0.1f; if (tt > (sun_limit - 1)) { r32 ttt = tt - (sun_limit - 1); r = lerp(0.1f, ttt, 0.0f); } sun_center(pixels, (v4){0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1}, r, r); } pattern_blink(pixels); Assembly_Pixel data_less_than_color_a = { .r = 32, .g = 128, .b = 255 }; Assembly_Pixel data_less_than_color_b = { .r = 32, .g = 255, .b = 128 }; Assembly_Pixel data_border_color = { .r = 255, .g = 255, .b = 255 }; Assembly_Pixel data_greater_than_color = { .r = 64, .g = 0, .b = 0 }; r32 grow_delay = 2; if (tt > grow_delay && tt < grow_delay + 10) { grow_pattern(pixels, tt - grow_delay, data_greater_than_color); } if (tt >= grow_delay + 9) { //pattern_test_data_scene_hombre(pixels, strips, data_less_than_color_a, data_less_than_color_b, data_border_color, data_greater_than_color); } } //////////// MOOD BOARD DEMOS //////////// #define hex_color(r, g, b) (v3){ .x = (r32)r / 255.f, .y = (r32)g / 255.f, .z = (r32)b / 255.f } global Color_Ramp aurora_ramp = { .anchors = { [0] = { .pct = 0, .color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, [1] = { .pct = .4f, .color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, [2] = { .pct = .55f, .color = { 176.f / 255.f, 65.f / 255.f, 36.f / 255.f } }, [3] = { .pct = .7f, .color = { 237.f / 255.f, 201.f / 255.f, 138.f / 255.f } }, [4] = { .pct = .80f, .color = { 49.f / 255.f, 156.f / 255.f, 255.f / 255.f } }, [5] = { .pct = 1.0f, .color = { 49.f / 255.f, 156.f / 255.f, 255.f / 255.f } }, }, .anchors_count = 5, }; global Color_Ramp sun_ramp = { .anchors = { [0] = { .pct = 0, .color = hex_color( 0, 0, 0), }, [1] = { .pct = 0.2, .color = hex_color( 0, 0, 0), }, [2] = { .pct = 0.3f, .color = hex_color(255, 85, 0), }, [3] = { .pct = 0.6f, .color = hex_color(255, 0, 0), }, [4] = { .pct = 0.9, .color = hex_color(255, 209, 54), }, [5] = { .pct = 1, .color = hex_color(255, 209, 54), }, }, .anchors_count = 6 }; global Color_Ramp cities_ramp = { .anchors = { [0] = { .pct = 0, .color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, [1] = { .pct = .75f, .color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, [2] = { .pct = 1, .color = { 255.f / 255.f, 194.f / 255.f, 86.f / 255.5 } }, }, .anchors_count = 3 }; global Color_Ramp cities_sparkle_ramp = { .anchors = { [0] = { .pct = 0, .color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, [1] = { .pct = .7f, .color = { 0, 0, 0 } }, [2] = { .pct = .1f, .color = { 255.f / 255.f, 100.f / 255.f, 40.f / 255.5 } }, }, .anchors_count = 3 }; global Color_Ramp xray_ramp = { .anchors = { [0] = { .pct = 0.0f, .color = { 32.f / 255.f, 2.f / 255.f, 186.f / 255.f } }, [1] = { .pct = 0.5f, .color = { 230.f / 255.f, 37.f / 255.f, 7.f / 255.f } }, [2] = { .pct = 1.0f, .color = { 255.f / 255.f, 162.f / 255.f, 0 } }, }, .anchors_count = 3 }; global Color_Ramp xray_ramp_rev = { .anchors = { [2] = { .pct = 1.0f, .color = { 32.f / 255.f, 2.f / 255.f, 186.f / 255.f } }, [1] = { .pct = 0.5f, .color = { 230.f / 255.f, 37.f / 255.f, 7.f / 255.f } }, [0] = { .pct = 0.0f, .color = { 255.f / 255.f, 162.f / 255.f, 0 } }, }, .anchors_count = 3 }; global Color_Ramp nature_ramp = { .anchors = { [0] = {.pct = 0.0f, .color = { 85.f / 255.f, 192.f / 255.f, 255.f / 255.f } }, [1] = {.pct = 0.5f, .color = { 0, 1, 0.5f } }, [2] = {.pct = 1.0f, .color = { 85.f / 255.f, 192.f / 255.f, 255.f / 255.f } }, }, .anchors_count = 3, }; void pattern_aurora_led(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, v4 pos, u32 index, r32 scene_time) { v4 p_unit = incenter_pos_to_unit(pos); v3 p_offset = HMM_AddVec3(pos.xyz, (v3){ 213.145f, 99.321f, 71.3f }); v3 p_scaled = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(p_offset, 2); r32 v = pm_fmb_3d(p_scaled, scene_time); r32 vv = pm_smoothstep_r32(v); v3 color = color_ramp_eval(aurora_ramp, vv); pixels.pixels[index] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color); } void pattern_aurora(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v4 p = pixels.positions[j]; pattern_aurora_led(pixels, strips, p, j, scene_time); } } void pattern_demo_2(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { r32 pct = (r32)(strip.pixels_len - led) / (r32)strip.pixels_len; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; v3 color = color_ramp_eval(cities_ramp, 1 - pct); pixels.pixels[led_index] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color); } } } // sunrise void pattern_demo_3(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; v3 sun_dir = (v3){ sinf(scene_time), 0, cosf(scene_time) }; for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { r32 pct = (r32)(strip.pixels_len - led) / (r32)strip.pixels_len; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; v3 cities_color = color_ramp_eval(cities_ramp, 1 - pct); v4 p = pixels.positions[led_index]; v4 p_unit = incenter_pos_to_bimodal(p); r32 d = HMM_DotVec3(p_unit.xyz, sun_dir); r32 dc = clamp(0, d, 1); r32 ds = clamp(0, -1 * d, 1); cities_color = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(cities_color, dc); v3 sky_color = { 49.f / 255.f, 156.f / 255.f, 255.f / 255.f }; sky_color = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(sky_color, ds); v3 day_color = HMM_AddVec3(sky_color, cities_color); //v3 sun_color = sun_center_for_pos(pixels.positions[led_index], (v4){0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1}, .1f, .1f); v3 color = day_color; //HMM_AddVec3(day_color, sun_color); pixels.pixels[led_index] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color); } } } // random fill u32 city_hashes[city_count]; u32 city_iters[city_count]; void pattern_random_fill_prep() { Random_Series rs = random_series_create(1337); for (u32 i = 0; i < city_count; i++) { city_iters[i] = random_series_next(&rs) % 127; city_hashes[i] = hash_djb2_cstr_to_u32(city_strings[i]); } } void pattern_random_fill(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { pattern_color(pixels, strips, 1, 38, 45); // dull green Assembly_Pixel color = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel((v3){1, .9f, 0}); r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; r32 dots_per_second = 5; u32 iter_cap = scene_time * dots_per_second; for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Random_Series rs = random_series_create(city_hashes[city]); u32 city_iter = min(city_iters[city], iter_cap); Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; for (u32 i = 0; i < city_iter; i++) { u32 led = random_series_next(&rs) % strip.pixels_cap; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; pixels.pixels[led_index] = color; } } } r32 hash_v3_to_r32(v3 p) { u32 seed = hash_djb2_str_to_u32((char*)&p.x, 4); seed = hash_djb2_append_str_to_u32(seed, (char*)&p.y, 4); seed = hash_djb2_append_str_to_u32(seed, (char*)&p.z, 4); Random_Series rs = random_series_create(seed); return random_series_next_unilateral(&rs); } r32 noise_v3_to_r32(v3 p, r32 scale) { p = pm_abs_v3(HMM_MultiplyVec3f(p, scale)); v3 p_fl = pm_floor_v3(p); v3 p_fr = pm_fract_v3(p); v3 f = pm_smoothstep_v3(p_fr); v3 p_fl_0 = p_fl; v3 p_fl_1 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){1, 0, 0}); v3 p_fl_2 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){0, 1, 0}); v3 p_fl_3 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){1, 1, 0}); v3 p_fl_4 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){0, 0, 1}); v3 p_fl_5 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){1, 0, 1}); v3 p_fl_6 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){0, 1, 1}); v3 p_fl_7 = HMM_AddVec3(p_fl, (v3){1, 1, 1}); r32 h0 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_0); r32 h1 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_1); r32 h2 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_2); r32 h3 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_3); r32 h4 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_4); r32 h5 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_5); r32 h6 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_6); r32 h7 = hash_v3_to_r32(p_fl_7); r32 h0_1 = lerp(h0, f.x, h1); r32 h2_3 = lerp(h2, f.x, h3); r32 h4_5 = lerp(h4, f.x, h5); r32 h6_7 = lerp(h6, f.x, h7); r32 h01_23 = lerp(h0_1, f.y, h2_3); r32 h45_67 = lerp(h4_5, f.y, h6_7); // r32 result = lerp( // lerp( // lerp(h0, f.x, h1), // f.y, // lerp(h2, f.x, h3) // ), // f.z, // lerp( // lerp(h4, f.x, h5), // f.y, // lerp(h6, f.x, h7) // ) // ); r32 result = lerp(h01_23, f.z, h45_67); assert(result >= 0 && result <= 1); return result; } r32 fbm_3d(v3 x, r32 scale) { v3 pp = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(x, scale); r32 f = 0.0f; f += 0.500000f * noise_v3_to_r32(pp, 1); pp = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(pp, 2.02); f += 0.300000f * noise_v3_to_r32(pp, 1); pp = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(pp, 2.03); f += 0.125000f * noise_v3_to_r32(pp, 1); pp = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(pp, 2.01); f += 0.062500f * noise_v3_to_r32(pp, 1); pp = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(pp, 2.04); r32 d = 0.9875f; f = f / d; return f; } // Data Flow Pattern void pattern_add_data_flow_ramp(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, r32 period, r32 offset, r32 radius, Color_Ramp color_ramp) { Random_Series rs = random_series_create(133753); for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; r32 city_offset = random_series_next_unilateral(&rs) * period; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; r32 led_pct = (r32)led_index / (r32)strip.pixels_len; r32 dist = (-1 * fmodf(led_pct + offset + city_offset, period)) + radius; dist = max(dist, 0) / radius; v3 color = color_ramp_eval(color_ramp, led_pct); pixels.pixels[led_index] = assembly_pixel_add( pixels.pixels[led_index], color_v3_to_assembly_pixel_faded(color, dist) ); } } } void pattern_add_data_flow_color(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, r32 period, r32 offset, r32 radius, v3 color) { Random_Series rs = random_series_create(133753); for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; r32 city_offset = random_series_next_unilateral(&rs) * period; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; r32 led_pct = (r32)led_index / (r32)strip.pixels_len; r32 dist = (-1 * fmodf(led_pct + offset + city_offset, period)) + radius; dist = max(dist, 0) / radius; pixels.pixels[led_index] = assembly_pixel_add( pixels.pixels[led_index], color_v3_to_assembly_pixel_faded(color, dist) ); } } } void pattern_mask_noise(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, r32 scale, r32 offset) { for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; v4 p = pixels.positions[led_index]; r32 n = noise_v3_to_r32(HMM_AddVec3(p.xyz, (v3){offset, 0, 0}), 4); pixels.pixels[led_index] = assembly_pixel_scale(pixels.pixels[led_index], n); } } } void pattern_data_flow(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { pattern_color(pixels, strips, 1, 38, 45); // dull green r32 tt_base = ins->scene_time; pattern_add_data_flow_color(pixels, strips, .6f, tt_base, .02f, (v3){1, 0, .8f}); pattern_add_data_flow_color(pixels, strips, .8f, tt_base * .5f, .035f, (v3){0, 1, 0}); pattern_add_data_flow_color(pixels, strips, 1.2f, tt_base * .35f, .06f, (v3){0, 1, 1}); pattern_mask_noise(pixels, strips, 5, tt); } void pattern_fast_noise_test(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip.pixels_len; led++) { u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; v4 p = pixels.positions[led_index]; r32 n = noise_v3_to_r32(HMM_AddVec3(p.xyz, (v3){tt, 0, 0}), 4); pixels.pixels[led_index] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel((v3){n,n,n}); } } } // City Lights Twinkle void secondary_pattern_twinkle(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { for (u32 i = 0; i < secondary_strips_len; i++) { Assembly_Strip* strip = secondary_city_strips[i]; for (u32 led = 0; led < strip->pixels_len; led++) { u32 led_index = strip->pixels[led]; v4 p = pixels.positions[led_index]; v4 p_unit = incenter_pos_to_unit(p); v3 p_offset = HMM_AddVec3(p.xyz, (v3){ 213.145f, 99.321f, 71.3f }); v3 p_scaled = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(p_offset, 2); r32 v = pm_fmb_3d(p_scaled, ins->scene_time); r32 vv = (2 * pm_smoothstep_r32(v)) - 1; #define TESTING_LEDS 0 #if !TESTING_LEDS v3 color = color_ramp_eval(cities_sparkle_ramp, vv); pixels.pixels[led_index] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color); #else pixels.pixels[led_index] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel((v3){1, 0, 0}); #endif } } } Assembly_Pixel sun(v3 pos, r32 radius2, Assembly_Pixel back_color, r32 t) { Assembly_Pixel color_sun = { 255, 0, 0 }; r32 sun_radius = INCENTER_FEET(3); r32 sun_radius2 = sun_radius * sun_radius; r32 sun_b = sdf_sphere2_d(sun_radius2, radius2); Assembly_Pixel result = {0, 0, 0}; if (sun_b > 0) { sun_b = max(0, sun_b); t *= 0.5f; v3 pn = HMM_NormalizeVec3(pos); pn = HMM_MultiplyVec3f(pn, -t); pos = HMM_AddVec3(pos, pn); pos = HMM_AddVec3(pos, (v3){ 4.1f * sin(t * 0.05f), 3 * cos(t * 0.05f), 0 }); r32 p = fbm_3d(pos, 2); result = color_ramp_eval_pixel(sun_ramp, pm_smoothstep_r32(p)); result = assembly_pixel_blend(back_color, result, sun_b); } return result; } void pattern_sun_passive(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { r32 st = (r32)ins->scene_time; for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v4 pos = pixels.positions[j]; v4 p = incenter_pos_to_unit(pos); r32 r2 = HMM_LengthSquaredVec3(pos.xyz); #if !TESTING_LEDS pixels.pixels[j] = sun(pos.xyz, r2, (Assembly_Pixel){0, 0, 0}, st); #else pixels.pixels[j] = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel((v3){0, 0, 1}); #endif } secondary_pattern_twinkle(pixels, strips, ins); } void pattern_add_bar_chart(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins, Incenter_Scene scene, u32 year, Incenter_Month_Id month, Color_Ramp color_ramp) { for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; if (row.year != year || row.month != month) continue; Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[row.id]; for (u32 led_i = 0; led_i < strip.pixels_len; led_i++) { u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led_i]; // Bar Chart r32 pct = 1 - ((r32)led_i / (r32)strip.pixels_len); if (pct < row.prop) { r32 cpct = pct / row.prop; Assembly_Pixel p = color_ramp_eval_pixel(color_ramp, cpct); pixels.pixels[led_index] = p; } } } } void pattern_bar_chart(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; if (!scene.data) return; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); pattern_add_bar_chart(pixels, strips, ins, scene, scene.data[0].year, scene.data[0].month, xray_ramp); } void pattern_bar_chart_over_time(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; if (!scene.data) return; local_persist s32 last_scene_at = -1; local_persist u32 year_max = 0; local_persist Incenter_Month_Id month_max = 0; local_persist u32 year_at = 0; local_persist Incenter_Month_Id month_at = 0; local_persist r32 month_start_time = 0; if (last_scene_at != ins->scene_at) { last_scene_at = ins->scene_at; // Determine what the end of the data set is for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; if (row.year >= year_max) { year_max = row.year; month_max = max(row.month, month_max); } } year_at = scene.data[0].year; month_at = scene.data[0].month; month_start_time = ins->scene_time; } r32 month_duration = 2; r32 time_at_month = ins->scene_time - month_start_time; if (time_at_month > month_duration) { if (year_at < year_max) { month_at += 1; if (month > MONTH_dec) { month_at = MONTH_jan; year_at += 1; } } else { if (month < month_max) month += 1; } month_start_time = ins->scene_time; } pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); pattern_add_bar_chart(pixels, strips, ins, scene, year_at, month_at, xray_ramp); } //////////////////////////////////////// // Felt Isolated Assembly_Pixel pattern_felt_isolated_color(u32 pixel_i, u32 pixels_len, r32 b) { r32 pp = 1 - ((r32)pixel_i / (r32)pixels_len); Assembly_Pixel color0 = color_ramp_eval_pixel(xray_ramp, pp); Assembly_Pixel color = assembly_pixel_scale(color0, b); return color; } void pattern_felt_isolated_intro(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[row.id]; u32 pixel_start = row.prop * strip.pixels_len; u32 pixel_index = strip.pixels[pixel_start]; r32 row_offset = (.1439f * row_i); r32 b = pm_sinf_01(ins->scene_time + row_offset); pixels.pixels[pixel_index] = pattern_felt_isolated_color( pixel_start, strip.pixels_len, b ); } } void pattern_felt_isolated_passive(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[row.id]; u32 pixel_start = row.prop * strip.pixels_len; r32 row_offset = (.1439f * row_i); r32 b = pm_sinf_01(ins->scene_time + row_offset); r32 grow_duration = 4.0f; r32 grow_delay = row_offset * 5; r32 grow_time = (scene_time - 2.0f) - grow_delay; r32 grow_pct = clamp(0, grow_time, grow_duration) / grow_duration; r32 grow_pct_smoothed = pm_easeinout_cubic_r32(grow_pct); u32 pixels_on = (strip.pixels_len - pixel_start) * grow_pct_smoothed; u32 pixel_stop = clamp(pixel_start + 1, pixel_start + pixels_on, strip.pixels_len); for (u32 pixel_i = pixel_start; pixel_i < pixel_stop; pixel_i++) { u32 pixel_index = strip.pixels[pixel_i]; pixels.pixels[pixel_index] = pattern_felt_isolated_color( pixel_i, strip.pixels_len, b ); } } } void pattern_rainbow(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Assembly_Pixel p = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel((v3){ .x = pm_sinf_01(ins->scene_time), .y = pm_cosf_01(ins->scene_time), .z = 0.5f, }); for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { pixels.pixels[j] = p; } } /////////////////////////////////// // Begun to Heal void pattern_bar_chart_bubbly_intro(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; if (!scene.data) return; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[row.id]; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[strip.pixels_len - 1]; Assembly_Pixel p = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(nature_ramp.anchors[0].color); pixels.pixels[led_index] = p; } } void pattern_bar_chart_bubbly_passive(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; if (!scene.data) return; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; r32 grow_time = 5; r32 pct_grow_time = clamp(0, ((scene_time - INCENTER_TRANSITION_DURATION) / grow_time), 1); // create a ramp that is 0 at pct_grow_time = 0 and pct_grow_time = 1, // but smoothly grows to 1 at pct_grow_time = 0.5 r32 offset_influence = sinf((1 - pct_grow_time) * r32_pi); for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[row.id]; u32 first_led = strip.pixels[strip.pixels_len - 1]; v3 first_led_pos = pixels.positions[first_led].xyz; v3 root = HMM_AddVec3(first_led_pos, (v3){ ins->scene_time, 0, 0 }); r32 strip_pct = row.prop * pct_grow_time; if (pct_grow_time < 1) { r32 strip_offset = (pm_noise_v3_to_r32(root) * 0.4f) - 0.2f; strip_pct += strip_offset * offset_influence; strip_pct = clamp(0, strip_pct, row.prop); } for (u32 led_i = 0; led_i < strip.pixels_len; led_i++) { u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led_i]; // Bar Chart r32 pct = 1 - ((r32)led_i / (r32)strip.pixels_len); if (pct < strip_pct) { r32 cpct = fractf(((1 - pct) / row.prop) + (ins->scene_time * 0.3f)); Assembly_Pixel p = color_ramp_eval_pixel(nature_ramp, cpct); pixels.pixels[led_index] = p; } } } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Relationship Community Support void pattern_bar_chart_with_connections(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; if (!scene.data) return; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; pattern_add_bar_chart(pixels, strips, ins, scene, scene.data[0].year, scene.data[0].month, xray_ramp); pattern_add_data_flow_color(pixels, strips, .3f, ins->scene_time, .01f, (v3){1,1,1}); pattern_add_data_flow_color(pixels, strips, .15f, ins->scene_time, .005f, (v3){1,1,1}); } ///// // Believe Science Renewable Tech void pattern_bar_chart_random_fill(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; if (!scene.data) return; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 1, 38, 45); // dull green Assembly_Pixel color = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel((v3){1, .9f, 0}); assert(color.r != 1); r32 scene_time = ins->scene_time; r32 dots_per_second = 5; u32 iter_cap = scene_time * dots_per_second; for (u32 row_i = 0; row_i < scene.data_len; row_i++) { Incenter_Data_Row row = scene.data[row_i]; Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[row.id]; u32 led_max = strip.pixels_len; u32 led_min = strip.pixels_len * (1 - row.prop); u32 led_range = led_max - led_min; Random_Series rs = random_series_create(city_hashes[row.id]); u32 city_iter = min(iter_cap, led_range); for (u32 i = 0; i < city_iter; i++) { u32 led_first = (random_series_next(&rs) % led_range) + led_min; u32 led = led_first; u32 led_index = 0; do { led = ((led + 1) % led_range) + led_min; if (led == led_first) break; led_index = strip.pixels[led]; } while (pixels.pixels[led_index].r == 1); pixels.pixels[led_index] = color; } } #if 0 for (u32 city = 0; city < city_count; city++) { Random_Series rs = random_series_create(city_hashes[city]); u32 city_iter = min(city_iters[city], iter_cap); Assembly_Strip strip = strips.strips[city + 1]; for (u32 i = 0; i < city_iter; i++) { u32 led = random_series_next(&rs) % strip.pixels_cap; u32 led_index = strip.pixels[led]; pixels.pixels[led_index] = color; } } #endif } void pattern_scene_input(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { Incenter_Scene scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; Assembly_Strip brc_strip = strips.strips[city_black_rock]; pattern_color(pixels, strips, 0, 0, 0); secondary_pattern_twinkle(pixels, strips, ins); // black out whole strip for (u32 led_i = 0; led_i < brc_strip.pixels_len; led_i++) { u32 led = brc_strip.pixels[led_i]; pixels.pixels[led] = (Assembly_Pixel){0,0,0}; } u32 on_range_start = 0; u32 on_range_stop = 0; switch (scene.kind) { case Incenter_SceneKind_Information: { } break; case Incenter_SceneKind_YesOrNo: { u32 middle = brc_strip.pixels_len / 2; on_range_start = ins->input_option == 0 ? 0 : middle; on_range_stop = ins->input_option == 0 ? middle : brc_strip.pixels_len; } break; case Incenter_SceneKind_ThreeOption: { u32 one_third = brc_strip.pixels_len / 3; u32 two_thirds = one_third * 2; u32 top = brc_strip.pixels_len; switch (ins->input_option) { case 0: { on_range_start = 0; on_range_stop = one_third; } break; case 1: { on_range_start = one_third; on_range_stop = two_thirds; } break; case 2: { on_range_start = two_thirds; on_range_stop = top; } break; } } break; case Incenter_SceneKind_SlidingScale: { on_range_start = 0; on_range_stop = (r32)brc_strip.pixels_len * ins->input_pct; } break; invalid_default_case; } for (u32 led_i = on_range_start; led_i < on_range_stop; led_i++) { u32 led = brc_strip.pixels[led_i]; pixels.pixels[led] = (Assembly_Pixel){255,255,255}; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////// // Transition Patterns void pattern_sun_transition(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins, r32 radius_start, r32 radius_end, u32 back_scene_mode) { r32 st = (r32)ins->transition_time; r32 shrink_duration = INCENTER_TRANSITION_SUN_REVEAL_DURATION; r32 shrink_progress_pct = (st / shrink_duration); shrink_progress_pct = clamp(0, shrink_progress_pct, 1); r32 radius = lerp(radius_start, shrink_progress_pct, radius_end); r32 radius2 = radius * radius; //Assembly_Pixel color_shell = { 255, 255, 255 }; Assembly_Pixel color_void = { 0, 0, 0 }; r32 falloff = INCENTER_FEET(1); r32 falloff2 = falloff * falloff; Incenter_Scene back_scene = ins->scenes[ins->scene_at]; Incenter_Pattern* back_pattern = 0; if (back_scene_mode < Incenter_SceneMode_Count) { back_pattern = back_scene.patterns[back_scene_mode]; } else if (back_scene_mode == Incenter_SceneMode_Input) { back_pattern = pattern_scene_input; } assert(back_pattern != 0); back_pattern(pixels, strips, ins); for (u32 j = 0; j < pixels.len; j++) { v4 pos = pixels.positions[j]; v4 p = incenter_pos_to_unit(pos); r32 r2 = HMM_LengthSquaredVec3(pos.xyz); r32 b = sdf_sphere_hull2_d(radius2, 3, r2); Assembly_Pixel back_color = pixels.pixels[j]; if (r2 > radius2) { back_color = sun(pos.xyz, r2, color_void, st); } v3 color_shell_v3 = { .x = 0.5f + 0.5f * sinf(p.x * r32_tau * 4.313f + tt * 1.3f), .y = 0.5f + 0.5f * cosf(0.2314f + p.y * r32_tau * 3.915f + tt), .z = 0.2f + 0.8f * p.z, }; Assembly_Pixel color_shell = color_v3_to_assembly_pixel(color_shell_v3); pixels.pixels[j] = assembly_pixel_blend(back_color, color_shell, b); } } void pattern_sun_transition_shrink(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { r32 radius_start = INCENTER_FEET(15); r32 radius_end = INCENTER_FEET(0); pattern_sun_transition(pixels, strips, ins, radius_start, radius_end, Incenter_SceneMode_Passive); } void pattern_sun_transition_grow(Assembly_Pixel_Buffer pixels, Assembly_Strip_Array strips, Incenter_State* ins) { r32 radius_start = INCENTER_FEET(0); r32 radius_end = INCENTER_FEET(15); pattern_sun_transition(pixels, strips, ins, radius_start, radius_end, Incenter_SceneMode_Input); }