#include #include #include #include #include #include "foldhaus_platform.h" #include "gs_win32.cpp" #include "foldhaus_renderer.cpp" global_variable b32 Running = false; global_variable b32 WindowIsActive = false; char DLLName[] = "foldhaus.dll"; char WorkingDLLName[] = "foldhaus_temp.dll"; char DLLLockFileName[] = "lock.tmp"; window MainWindow; struct worker_thread_entry { b32 IsValid; u32 Index; }; struct worker_thread_info { s32 ID; HANDLE Handle; work_queue* Queue; }; PUSH_WORK_ON_QUEUE(Win32PushWorkOnQueue) { Assert(Queue->JobsCount < Queue->JobsMax); worker_thread_job* Job = Queue->Jobs + Queue->JobsCount; Job->WorkProc = WorkProc; Job->Data = Data; // Complete Past Writes before Future Writes _WriteBarrier(); _mm_sfence(); ++Queue->JobsCount; ReleaseSemaphore(Queue->SemaphoreHandle, 1, 0); } internal worker_thread_entry CompleteAndTakeNextJob(work_queue* Queue, worker_thread_entry Completed) { if (Completed.IsValid) { InterlockedIncrement((LONG volatile*)&Queue->JobsCompleted); } worker_thread_entry Result = {}; Result.IsValid = false; u32 OriginalNextJobIndex = Queue->NextJobIndex; while (OriginalNextJobIndex < Queue->JobsCount) { u32 Index = InterlockedCompareExchange((LONG volatile*)&Queue->NextJobIndex, OriginalNextJobIndex + 1, OriginalNextJobIndex); if (Index == OriginalNextJobIndex) { Result.Index = Index; Result.IsValid = true; break; } OriginalNextJobIndex = Queue->NextJobIndex; } return Result; } DO_QUEUE_WORK_UNTIL_DONE(Win32DoQueueWorkUntilDone) { worker_thread_entry Entry = {}; Entry.IsValid = false; while (Queue->JobsCompleted < Queue->JobsCount) { Entry = CompleteAndTakeNextJob(Queue, Entry); if (Entry.IsValid) { Queue->Jobs[Entry.Index].WorkProc(ThreadID, Queue->Jobs[Entry.Index].Data); } } } DWORD WINAPI WorkerThreadProc (LPVOID InputThreadInfo) { worker_thread_info* ThreadInfo = (worker_thread_info*)InputThreadInfo; worker_thread_entry Entry = {}; Entry.IsValid = false; while (true) { Entry = CompleteAndTakeNextJob(ThreadInfo->Queue, Entry); if (Entry.IsValid) { ThreadInfo->Queue->Jobs[Entry.Index].WorkProc(ThreadInfo->ID, ThreadInfo->Queue->Jobs[Entry.Index].Data); } else { WaitForSingleObjectEx(ThreadInfo->Queue->SemaphoreHandle, INFINITE, 0); } } return 0; } PLATFORM_GET_GPU_TEXTURE_HANDLE(Win32GetGPUTextureHandle) { s32 Handle = SubmitTexture(Memory, Width, Height); return Handle; } struct win32_socket { SOCKET Socket; }; #define SOCKET_DICTIONARY_GROW_SIZE 32 s32 Win32SocketHandleMax; s32 Win32SocketHandleCount; win32_socket* SocketValues; PLATFORM_GET_SOCKET_HANDLE(Win32GetSocketHandle) { if (Win32SocketHandleCount >= Win32SocketHandleMax) { s32 NewDictionaryMax = Win32SocketHandleMax + SOCKET_DICTIONARY_GROW_SIZE; s32 NewDictionaryDataSize = NewDictionaryMax * sizeof(win32_socket); platform_memory_result DictionaryMemory = Win32Alloc(NewDictionaryDataSize); Assert(DictionaryMemory.Size > 0); win32_socket* NewValues = (win32_socket*)(DictionaryMemory.Base); if (SocketValues) { GSMemCopy(SocketValues, NewValues, sizeof(win32_socket) * NewDictionaryMax); Win32Free((u8*)SocketValues, sizeof(win32_socket) * Win32SocketHandleCount); } SocketValues = NewValues; Win32SocketHandleMax = NewDictionaryMax; } Assert(Win32SocketHandleCount < Win32SocketHandleMax); s32 NewSocketIndex = Win32SocketHandleCount++; SocketValues[NewSocketIndex].Socket = socket(AddressFamily, Type, Protocol); return (platform_socket_handle)NewSocketIndex; } #define NETWORK_ADDRESS_DICTIONARY_GROW_SIZE 32 s32 Win32NetworkAddressHandleMax; s32 Win32NetworkAddressHandleCount; sockaddr_in* NetworkAddressValues; PLATFORM_GET_SEND_ADDRESS_HANDLE(Win32GetSendAddress) { if (Win32NetworkAddressHandleCount >= Win32NetworkAddressHandleMax) { s32 NewDictionaryMax = Win32NetworkAddressHandleMax + NETWORK_ADDRESS_DICTIONARY_GROW_SIZE; s32 NewDictionaryDataSize = NewDictionaryMax * sizeof(sockaddr_in); platform_memory_result DictionaryMemory = Win32Alloc(NewDictionaryDataSize); Assert(DictionaryMemory.Size > 0); sockaddr_in* NewValues = (sockaddr_in*)(DictionaryMemory.Base); if (NetworkAddressValues) { GSMemCopy(NetworkAddressValues, NewValues, sizeof(win32_socket) * NewDictionaryMax); Win32Free((u8*)NetworkAddressValues, sizeof(win32_socket) * Win32NetworkAddressHandleCount); } NetworkAddressValues = NewValues; Win32NetworkAddressHandleMax = NewDictionaryMax; } Assert(Win32NetworkAddressHandleCount < Win32NetworkAddressHandleMax); s32 NewAddressIndex = Win32NetworkAddressHandleCount++; NetworkAddressValues[NewAddressIndex].sin_family = AddressFamily; NetworkAddressValues[NewAddressIndex].sin_port = HostToNetU16(Port); NetworkAddressValues[NewAddressIndex].sin_addr.s_addr = HostToNetU32(Address); return (platform_network_address_handle)NewAddressIndex; } PLATFORM_SET_SOCKET_OPTION(Win32SetSocketOption) { s32 SocketIndex = (s32)SocketHandle; Assert(SocketIndex < Win32SocketHandleCount); int Error = setsockopt(SocketValues[SocketIndex].Socket, Level, Option, OptionValue, OptionLength); if (Error == SOCKET_ERROR) { Error = WSAGetLastError(); } return Error; } PLATFORM_SEND_TO(Win32SendTo) { s32 SocketIndex = (s32)SocketHandle; Assert(SocketIndex < Win32SocketHandleCount); s32 AddressIndex = (s32)AddressHandle; Assert(AddressIndex < Win32NetworkAddressHandleCount); s32 LengthSent = sendto(SocketValues[SocketIndex].Socket, Buffer, BufferLength, Flags, (sockaddr*)&NetworkAddressValues[AddressIndex], sizeof(sockaddr_in)); if (LengthSent == SOCKET_ERROR) { s32 Error = WSAGetLastError(); InvalidCodePath; } return LengthSent; } PLATFORM_CLOSE_SOCKET(Win32CloseSocket) { s32 SocketIndex = (s32)SocketHandle; Assert(SocketIndex < Win32SocketHandleCount); closesocket(SocketValues[SocketIndex].Socket); } HDC FontDrawingDC; HBITMAP FontBitmap; HFONT CurrentFont; GET_FONT_INFO(Win32GetFontInfo) { platform_font_info Result = {}; FontDrawingDC = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); SetBkColor(FontDrawingDC, RGB(0, 0, 0)); SetTextColor(FontDrawingDC, RGB(255, 255, 255)); FontBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(FontDrawingDC, PixelHeight * 2, PixelHeight * 2); HGDIOBJ SelectObjectResult = SelectObject(FontDrawingDC, FontBitmap); CurrentFont = CreateFont(PixelHeight, 0, 0, 0, FontWeight, Italic, Underline, Strikeout, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_OUTLINE_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, PROOF_QUALITY, FIXED_PITCH, FontName); SelectFont(FontDrawingDC, CurrentFont); TEXTMETRIC WindowsFontMetrics = {}; if (GetTextMetrics(FontDrawingDC, &WindowsFontMetrics)) { Result.PixelHeight = WindowsFontMetrics.tmHeight; Result.Ascent = WindowsFontMetrics.tmAscent; Result.Descent = WindowsFontMetrics.tmDescent; Result.Leading = WindowsFontMetrics.tmExternalLeading; Result.MaxCharWidth = WindowsFontMetrics.tmMaxCharWidth; Result.CodepointStart = WindowsFontMetrics.tmFirstChar; Result.CodepointOnePastLast = WindowsFontMetrics.tmLastChar + 1; } return Result; } DRAW_FONT_CODEPOINT(Win32DrawFontCodepoint) { SIZE CodepointSize = {}; if (GetTextExtentPoint32(FontDrawingDC, &Codepoint, 1, &CodepointSize)) { *OutWidth = CodepointSize.cx; *OutHeight = CodepointSize.cy; RECT TextRect = {}; TextRect.left = 0; TextRect.right = *OutWidth; TextRect.top = 0; TextRect.bottom = *OutHeight; int Error = DrawText(FontDrawingDC, &Codepoint, 1, &TextRect, DT_LEFT | DT_NOCLIP | DT_TOP); u8* Row = DestBuffer + (YOffset * (DestBufferWidth * 4)); COLORREF PixelColor; for (u32 Y = 0; Y < *OutHeight; Y++) { // NOTE(Peter): XOffset * 4 b/c its 4 bytes per pixel. u8* Channel = (u8*)Row + (XOffset * 4); for (u32 X = 0; X < *OutWidth; X++) { PixelColor = GetPixel(FontDrawingDC, X + TextRect.left, TextRect.bottom - Y); Assert(PixelColor != CLR_INVALID); u8 RValue = GetRValue(PixelColor); *Channel++ = RValue; *Channel++ = RValue; *Channel++ = RValue; *Channel++ = RValue; } Row += DestBufferWidth * 4; } } } LRESULT CALLBACK HandleWindowEvents (HWND WindowHandle, UINT Msg, WPARAM WParam, LPARAM LParam) { LRESULT Result = 0; switch (Msg) { case WM_SIZE: { Win32UpdateWindowDimension(&MainWindow); //Win32ResizeDIBSection(&GlobalBackbuffer, MainWindow.Info.Width, MainWindow.Info.Height); }break; case WM_CLOSE: { Result = DefWindowProc(WindowHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam); Running = false; }break; case WM_DESTROY: { }break; case WM_PAINT: { PAINTSTRUCT PaintStruct; HDC DeviceContext; b32 PaintResult; DeviceContext = BeginPaint(WindowHandle, &PaintStruct); PaintResult = EndPaint(WindowHandle, &PaintStruct); }break; case WM_ACTIVATE: { WindowIsActive = (LOWORD(WParam) == WA_ACTIVE || LOWORD(WParam) == WA_CLICKACTIVE); }break; default: { Result = DefWindowProc(WindowHandle, Msg, WParam, LParam); } } return Result; } internal void HandleWindowMessage (MSG Message, window* Window, input_queue* InputQueue, mouse_state* Mouse) { switch (Message.message) { case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: { Mouse->Scroll = GET_WHEEL_DELTA_WPARAM(Message.wParam); }break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: { b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, KeyCode_MouseLeftButton, false, true, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); Mouse->DownPos = Mouse->Pos; }break; case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: { b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, KeyCode_MouseMiddleButton, false, true, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); }break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: { b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, KeyCode_MouseRightButton, false, true, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); }break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: { b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, KeyCode_MouseLeftButton, true, false, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); }break; case WM_MBUTTONUP: { b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, KeyCode_MouseMiddleButton, true, false, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); }break; case WM_RBUTTONUP: { b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, KeyCode_MouseRightButton, true, false, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); }break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYUP: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_KEYUP: { int VirtualKey = (int)Message.wParam; key_code Key = Win32GetKeyCode(VirtualKey, true, false); s32 KeyIndex = (int)Key; b32 KeyWasDown = (Message.lParam & (1 << 30)) != 0; b32 KeyIsDown = (Message.lParam & (1 << 31)) == 0; b32 ShiftDown = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000; b32 AltDown = GetKeyState(VK_MENU) & 0x8000; b32 CtrlDown = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000; // New Input Queue AddInputEventEntry(InputQueue, Key, KeyWasDown, KeyIsDown, ShiftDown, AltDown, CtrlDown, false); }break; default: { TranslateMessage(&Message); DispatchMessage(&Message); }break; } } internal void DebugPrint (char* Format, ...) { char Buffer[256]; string StringBuffer = MakeString(Buffer, 256); va_list Args; va_start(Args, Format); PrintF(&StringBuffer, Format, Args); OutputDebugStringA(Buffer); va_end(Args); } internal void SetApplicationLinks (context* Context, win32_dll_refresh DLL, work_queue* WorkQueue) { if (DLL.IsValid) { Context->InitializeApplication = (initialize_application*)GetProcAddress(DLL.DLL, "InitializeApplication"); Context->ReloadStaticData = (reload_static_data*)GetProcAddress(DLL.DLL, "ReloadStaticData"); Context->UpdateAndRender = (update_and_render*)GetProcAddress(DLL.DLL, "UpdateAndRender"); Context->CleanupApplication = (cleanup_application*)GetProcAddress(DLL.DLL, "CleanupApplication"); } else { Context->InitializeApplication = 0; Context->ReloadStaticData = 0; Context->UpdateAndRender = 0; Context->CleanupApplication = 0; } } int WINAPI WinMain ( HINSTANCE HInstance, HINSTANCE HPrevInstance, PSTR CmdLineArgs, INT NCmdShow ) { MainWindow = Win32CreateWindow (HInstance, "Foldhaus", 1440, 768, HandleWindowEvents); Win32UpdateWindowDimension(&MainWindow); win32_opengl_window_info OpenGLWindowInfo = {}; OpenGLWindowInfo.ColorBits = 32; OpenGLWindowInfo.AlphaBits = 8; OpenGLWindowInfo.DepthBits = 0; CreateOpenGLWindowContext(OpenGLWindowInfo, &MainWindow); s64 PerformanceCountFrequency = GetPerformanceFrequency(); s64 LastFrameEnd = GetWallClock(); r32 TargetSecondsPerFrame = 1 / 60.0f; r32 LastFrameSecondsElapsed = 0.0f; GlobalDebugServices = (debug_services*)malloc(sizeof(debug_services)); InitDebugServices(GlobalDebugServices, (u8*)malloc(Megabytes(8)), Megabytes(8), 1000, PerformanceCountFrequency); GlobalDebugServices->GetWallClock = GetWallClock; mouse_state Mouse; input_queue InputQueue; { s32 InputQueueMemorySize = sizeof(input_entry) * 32; u8* InputQueueMemory = Win32Alloc(InputQueueMemorySize).Base; InputQueue = InitializeInputQueue(InputQueueMemory, InputQueueMemorySize); Mouse = {0, 0}; } // // Set up worker threads // const s32 WorkerThreadCount = 2; worker_thread_info* WorkerThreads = 0; if (WorkerThreadCount > 0) { WorkerThreads = (worker_thread_info*)malloc(sizeof(worker_thread_info) * WorkerThreadCount); } work_queue WorkQueue = {}; WorkQueue.SemaphoreHandle = CreateSemaphoreEx(0, 0, WorkerThreadCount, 0, 0, SEMAPHORE_ALL_ACCESS); WorkQueue.JobsMax = 256; WorkQueue.NextJobIndex = 0; WorkQueue.PushWorkOnQueue = Win32PushWorkOnQueue; WorkQueue.DoQueueWorkUntilDone = Win32DoQueueWorkUntilDone; WorkQueue.ResetWorkQueue = ResetWorkQueue; for (s32 i = 0; i < WorkerThreadCount; i++) { // ID = 0 is reserved for this thread WorkerThreads[i].ID = i + 1; WorkerThreads[i].Queue = &WorkQueue; WorkerThreads[i].Handle = CreateThread(0, 0, &WorkerThreadProc, (void*)&WorkerThreads[i], 0, 0); } platform_memory_result InitialMemory = Win32Alloc(Megabytes(64)); context Context = {}; Context.MemorySize = InitialMemory.Size; Context.MemoryBase = InitialMemory.Base; Context.WindowWidth = MainWindow.Width; Context.WindowHeight = MainWindow.Height; // Platform functions Context.GeneralWorkQueue = &WorkQueue; Context.PlatformAlloc = Win32Alloc; Context.PlatformFree = Win32Free; Context.PlatformReadEntireFile = Win32ReadEntireFile; Context.PlatformWriteEntireFile = Win32WriteEntireFile; Context.PlatformGetFilePath = Win32SystemDialogueOpenFile; Context.PlatformGetGPUTextureHandle = Win32GetGPUTextureHandle; Context.PlatformGetSocketHandle = Win32GetSocketHandle; Context.PlatformGetSendAddress = Win32GetSendAddress; Context.PlatformSetSocketOption = Win32SetSocketOption; Context.PlatformCloseSocket = Win32CloseSocket; Context.PlatformGetFontInfo = Win32GetFontInfo; Context.PlatformDrawFontCodepoint = Win32DrawFontCodepoint; win32_dll_refresh DLLRefresh = InitializeDLLHotReloading(DLLName, WorkingDLLName, DLLLockFileName); if (HotLoadDLL(&DLLRefresh)) { SetApplicationLinks(&Context, DLLRefresh, &WorkQueue); Context.ReloadStaticData(Context, GlobalDebugServices); } else { InvalidCodePath; } WSADATA WSAData; WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2, 2), &WSAData); platform_memory_result RenderMemory = Win32Alloc(Megabytes(32)); render_command_buffer RenderBuffer = AllocateRenderCommandBuffer(RenderMemory.Base, RenderMemory.Size); Context.InitializeApplication(Context); Running = true; Context.WindowIsVisible = true; while (Running) { DEBUG_TRACK_SCOPE(MainLoop); ResetInputQueue(&InputQueue); if (HotLoadDLL(&DLLRefresh)) { SetApplicationLinks(&Context, DLLRefresh, &WorkQueue); Context.ReloadStaticData(Context, GlobalDebugServices); } { // Mouse Position POINT MousePos; GetCursorPos (&MousePos); ScreenToClient(MainWindow.Handle, &MousePos); Mouse.Scroll = 0; Mouse.OldPos = Mouse.Pos; Mouse.Pos = v2{(r32)MousePos.x, (r32)MainWindow.Height - MousePos.y}; Mouse.DeltaPos = Mouse.Pos - Mouse.OldPos; } MSG Message; while (PeekMessageA(&Message, MainWindow.Handle, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { HandleWindowMessage(Message, &MainWindow, &InputQueue, &Mouse); } // TODO(Peter): We shouldn't need to do this translation. the platform layer knows about win32_windows. We should just make that the interface // to all windows. // TODO(Peter): Decide which we want to use, context or renderbuffer. Should only be one Context.WindowWidth = MainWindow.Width; Context.WindowHeight = MainWindow.Height; RenderBuffer.ViewWidth = MainWindow.Width; RenderBuffer.ViewHeight = MainWindow.Height; Context.DeltaTime = LastFrameSecondsElapsed; Context.UpdateAndRender(Context, InputQueue, Mouse, &RenderBuffer); RenderCommandBuffer(RenderBuffer); ClearRenderBuffer(&RenderBuffer); /////////////////////////////////// // Finish Up ////////////////////////////////// HDC DeviceContext = GetDC(MainWindow.Handle); SwapBuffers(DeviceContext); ReleaseDC(MainWindow.Handle, DeviceContext); s64 FinishedWorkTime = GetWallClock(); r32 SecondsElapsed = GetSecondsElapsed(LastFrameEnd, FinishedWorkTime, PerformanceCountFrequency); while (SecondsElapsed < TargetSecondsPerFrame) { u32 SleepTime = 1000.0f * (TargetSecondsPerFrame - SecondsElapsed); Sleep(SleepTime); SecondsElapsed = GetSecondsElapsed(LastFrameEnd, GetWallClock(), PerformanceCountFrequency); } LastFrameSecondsElapsed = SecondsElapsed; LastFrameEnd = GetWallClock(); } Context.CleanupApplication(Context); s32 CleanupResult = 0; do { CleanupResult = WSACleanup(); }while(CleanupResult == SOCKET_ERROR); for (s32 Thread = 0; Thread < WorkerThreadCount; Thread++) { TerminateThread(WorkerThreads[Thread].Handle, 0); } return 0; }