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2019-07-19 20:56:21 +00:00
#ifndef GS_MEMORY_H
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef int8_t s8;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef int32_t s32;
internal void
GSMemSet (u8* Base, s32 Value, s32 Count)
u8* Cursor = Base;
for (s32 i = 0; i < Count; i++)
*Cursor++ = Value;
internal void
GSMemCopy (u8* Source, u8* Destination, s32 Count)
u8* Src = Source;
u8* Dst = Destination;
for (s32 i = 0; i < Count; i++)
*Dst++ = *Src++;
#endif // GS_LANGUAGE_H
struct platform_memory_result
s32 Size;
u8* Base;
s32 Error;
#define PLATFORM_ALLOC(name) platform_memory_result name(s32 Size)
typedef PLATFORM_ALLOC(platform_alloc);
// Returns 1 if successful, 0 otherwise
#define PLATFORM_FREE(name) b32 name(u8* Memory, s32 Size)
typedef PLATFORM_FREE(platform_free);
#endif // GS_PLATFORM_H
#if !defined Assert && defined DEBUG
#define Assert(expression) if(!(expression)){ *((int *)0) = 5; }
#define InvalidCodePath Assert(0)
#define MEMORY_REGION_PAGE_SIZE Megabytes(1)
struct memory_region
u8* Base;
u32 Size;
u32 Used;
memory_region* PreviousRegion;
struct memory_arena
memory_region* CurrentRegion;
platform_alloc* PlatformAlloc;
internal memory_region*
BootstrapRegionOntoMemory (u8* Memory, s32 Size)
Assert(Size > sizeof(memory_region));
memory_region* Result = (memory_region*)Memory;
Result->Base = Memory + sizeof(memory_region);
Result->Size = Size - sizeof(memory_region);
Result->Used = 0;
return Result;
#define PushStruct(arena, type) (type*)PushSize_(arena, sizeof(type))
#define PushArray(arena, type, count) (type*)PushSize_(arena, sizeof(type)*count)
#define PushSize(arena, size) PushSize_(arena, size)
static u8*
PushSize_ (memory_arena* Arena, u32 Size)
memory_region* PushOntoRegion = Arena->CurrentRegion;
if (!PushOntoRegion || PushOntoRegion->Used + Size > PushOntoRegion->Size)
// NOTE(Peter): we only search backwards if the item doesn't already fit in the most recent spot. This way, memory allocated
// one after another is more likely to be contiguous. You can expect that two allocations performed back to back are also next
// to eachother in memory most of the time.
if (PushOntoRegion)
// NOTE(Peter): Search backwards through previous regions to see if there is a region allocated that has enough room
// to fit this allocation
memory_region* PreviousRegion = Arena->CurrentRegion->PreviousRegion;
while (PreviousRegion)
if (PreviousRegion->Used + Size <= PreviousRegion->Size)
PushOntoRegion = PreviousRegion;
PreviousRegion = PreviousRegion->PreviousRegion;
if (!PushOntoRegion || PushOntoRegion->Used + Size > PushOntoRegion->Size)
if (Arena->PlatformAlloc != 0)
// NOTE(Peter): Probably want to have this be a multiple of some minimum size so that we aren't constantly
// allocating new pages.
s32 SizeNeeded = Size + sizeof(memory_region);
s32 RegionPagesNeeded = IntegerDivideRoundUp(SizeNeeded, MEMORY_REGION_PAGE_SIZE);
s32 SizeToAllocate = RegionPagesNeeded * MEMORY_REGION_PAGE_SIZE;
platform_memory_result AllocResult = Arena->PlatformAlloc(SizeToAllocate);
Assert(AllocResult.Error == PLATFORM_MEMORY_NO_ERROR);
Assert(AllocResult.Size >= SizeNeeded);
memory_region* NewRegion = BootstrapRegionOntoMemory(AllocResult.Base, AllocResult.Size);
NewRegion->PreviousRegion = Arena->CurrentRegion;
Arena->CurrentRegion = NewRegion;
PushOntoRegion = Arena->CurrentRegion;
// NOTE(Peter): We ran out of memory in a memory arena that cannot/should not grow
u8* Result = PushOntoRegion->Base + PushOntoRegion->Used;
PushOntoRegion->Used += Size;
return Result;
static void
InitMemoryArena (memory_arena* Arena, u8* Base, u32 Size, platform_alloc* PlatformAlloc)
if (Base)
Arena->CurrentRegion = BootstrapRegionOntoMemory(Base, Size);
Arena->PlatformAlloc = PlatformAlloc;
static memory_arena*
BootstrapArenaIntoMemory (u8* Memory, u32 Size)
Assert(Size > sizeof(memory_arena));
// NOTE(Peter): takes in a block of memory, places a memory arena at the head, and gives
// the arena access to the rest of the block to use.
memory_arena* Result = (memory_arena*)Memory;
InitMemoryArena(Result, Memory + sizeof(memory_arena), Size - sizeof(memory_arena), 0);
return Result;
static memory_arena
AllocateNonGrowableArenaWithSpace(platform_alloc* PlatformAlloc, s32 SizeNeeded)
// TODO(Peter): This causes a leak currently. If you don't free the whole region later, you'll end up with
// the memory_region still being in memory. Should probably just make the first memory region be a member
// variable, not a pointer, in the memory_arena struct.
memory_arena Result = {};
s32 AllocateSize = SizeNeeded + sizeof(memory_region);
platform_memory_result Memory = PlatformAlloc(AllocateSize);
Assert(Memory.Error == PLATFORM_MEMORY_NO_ERROR);
Assert(Memory.Size == AllocateSize);
InitMemoryArena(&Result, Memory.Base, Memory.Size, 0);
return Result;
static void
ClearMemoryRegion (memory_region* Region)
#if 0
// NOTE(Peter): Turn this on occasionally. This is a big time sink but it forces us into
// correct memory usage since there's no error reporting for accessing memory the arena thinks
// is unused. At least now, it'll be zero's.
GSMemSet(Region->Base, 0, Region->Size);
2019-07-19 20:56:21 +00:00
Region->Used = 0;
static void
ClearArena (memory_arena* Arena)
memory_region* CurrentRegion = Arena->CurrentRegion;
while (CurrentRegion)
CurrentRegion = CurrentRegion->PreviousRegion;
struct arena_snapshot
memory_region* CurrentRegion;
u32 UsedAtSnapshot;
static arena_snapshot
TakeSnapshotOfArena (memory_arena Arena)
arena_snapshot Result = {};
Result.CurrentRegion = Arena.CurrentRegion;
Result.UsedAtSnapshot = Arena.CurrentRegion->Used;
return Result;
static void
ZeroArenaToSnapshot (memory_arena* Arena, arena_snapshot Snapshot)
memory_region* RegionCursor = Arena->CurrentRegion;
while (RegionCursor && RegionCursor != Snapshot.CurrentRegion)
GSZeroMemory(RegionCursor->Base, RegionCursor->Size);
RegionCursor = RegionCursor->PreviousRegion;
Assert(RegionCursor == Snapshot.CurrentRegion);
GSZeroMemory(RegionCursor->Base + Snapshot.UsedAtSnapshot,
RegionCursor->Used - Snapshot.UsedAtSnapshot);
static void
ClearArenaToSnapshot (memory_arena* Arena, arena_snapshot Snapshot)
memory_region* RegionCursor = Arena->CurrentRegion;
while (RegionCursor && RegionCursor != Snapshot.CurrentRegion)
RegionCursor->Used = 0;
RegionCursor = RegionCursor->PreviousRegion;
Assert(RegionCursor == Snapshot.CurrentRegion);
RegionCursor->Used = Snapshot.UsedAtSnapshot;
// Tracked Array Implementation
#define ARRAY_CHECKSUM 0x51bada7b
struct array_header_
u32 Size;
s32 ElementMax;
s32 ElementCount;
s32 ElementSize;
u32 Checksum;
#define gs_PushArray(arena, type, size) (type*)gs_PushArray_(arena, sizeof(type), size)
static u8*
gs_PushArray_ (memory_arena* Arena, u32 StepSize, u32 Count)
u32 ArrayFootprint = sizeof(array_header_) + (StepSize * Count);
array_header_* Header = (array_header_*)PushSize_(Arena, ArrayFootprint);
array_header_* Body = Header + 1;
u8* Result = (u8*)(Body);
Header->Size = Count * StepSize;
Header->ElementMax = Count;
Header->ElementSize = StepSize;
Header->ElementCount = 0;
Header->Checksum = ARRAY_CHECKSUM;
return Result;
#define gs_ArrayHeader_(array) (((array_header_*)array) - 1)
#ifdef DEBUG
#define gs_ArrayCheck(array) Assert(!array || gs_ArrayHeader_(array)->Checksum == ARRAY_CHECKSUM)
#define gs_ArrayCheck(array)
#define gs_ArrayCount(array) gs_ArrayCount_((u8*)array)
static s32
gs_ArrayCount_ (u8* Base)
return gs_ArrayHeader_(Base)->ElementCount;
#define gs_ArrayMax(array) gs_ArrayMax_((u8*)array)
static s32
gs_ArrayMax_ (u8* Base)
return gs_ArrayHeader_(Base)->ElementMax;
#define gs_ArrayAdd(array) ( gs_PushArrayElement_((u8*)array), (array) + (gs_ArrayCount(array) - 1) )
#define gs_ArrayPush(array, ele) *( gs_ArrayAdd(array) ) = (ele)
static void*
gs_PushArrayElement_ (u8* Base)
Assert(gs_ArrayHeader_(Base)->ElementCount + 1 <= gs_ArrayHeader_(Base)->ElementMax);
void* Result = (void*)(Base + (gs_ArrayHeader_(Base)->ElementCount * gs_ArrayHeader_(Base)->ElementSize));
return Result;
#define GS_MEMORY_H
#endif // GS_MEMORY_H