170 lines
6.4 KiB
170 lines
6.4 KiB
* Example use of customization API
// MAPID_USER_CUSTOM - define maps other than the built in GLOBAL/FILE maps
// inherit_map
// get_settings
#include "4coder_custom.h"
#include "4coder_helper.h"
#define exec_command app.exec_command
#define fulfill_interaction app.fulfill_interaction
extern "C" START_HOOK_SIG(start_hook){
exec_command(cmd_context, cmdid_open_panel_vsplit);
exec_command(cmd_context, cmdid_change_active_panel);
exec_command(cmd_context, cmdid_change_active_panel);
exec_command(cmd_context, cmdid_interactive_open);
extern "C" GET_BINDING_DATA(get_binding){
Bind_Helper context_actual = begin_bind_helper(data, size);
Bind_Helper *context = &context_actual;
use_when(context, when_default, 1);
set(context, set_lex_as_cpp_file, 0);
set(context, set_wrap_lines, 1);
set(context, set_key_mapid, MAPID_FILE);
// NOTE(allen): options include EOL_USE_CRLF, EOL_USE_CR_USE_LF, EOL_SHOW_CR_USE_LF
// EOL_USE_CRLF - treats a crlf and lf as newline markers, renders lone cr as special character "\r"
// EOL_USE_CR_USE_LF - treats both as separate newline markers
// EOL_SHOW_CR_USE_LF - treats lf as newline marker, renders cr as special character "\r"
set(context, set_end_line_mode, EOL_USE_CRLF);
use_when(context, when_extension, "cpp");
use_when(context, when_extension, "hpp");
use_when(context, when_extension, "c");
use_when(context, when_extension, "h");
set(context, set_lex_as_cpp_file, 1);
set(context, set_key_mapid, MAPID_USER_CUSTOM + 0);
begin_map(context, MAPID_GLOBAL);
bind(context, 'p', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_open_panel_vsplit);
bind(context, '-', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_open_panel_hsplit);
bind(context, 'P', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_close_panel);
bind(context, 'n', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_interactive_new);
bind(context, 'o', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_interactive_open);
bind(context, ',', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_change_active_panel);
bind(context, 'k', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_interactive_kill_buffer);
bind(context, 'i', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_interactive_switch_buffer);
bind(context, 'c', MDFR_ALT, cmdid_open_color_tweaker);
bind(context, 'x', MDFR_ALT, cmdid_open_menu);
bind_me(context, 'o', MDFR_ALT, open_in_other);
begin_map(context, MAPID_USER_CUSTOM + 0);
// NOTE(allen): Set this map (MAPID_USER_CUSTOM + 0) to
// inherit from MAPID_FILE. When searching if a key is bound
// in this map, if it is not found here it will then search MAPID_FILE.
// If this is not set, it defaults to MAPID_GLOBAL.
inherit_map(context, MAPID_FILE);
bind(context, codes->right, MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_right);
bind(context, codes->left, MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_seek_alphanumeric_or_camel_left);
// NOTE(allen): Not currently functional
bind(context, '\t', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_auto_tab);
begin_map(context, MAPID_FILE);
// NOTE(allen): Binding this essentially binds all key combos that
// would normally insert a character into a buffer.
// Or apply this rule (which always works): if the code for the key
// is not in the codes struct, it is a vanilla key.
// It is possible to override this binding for individual keys.
bind_vanilla_keys(context, cmdid_write_character);
bind(context, codes->left, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_move_left);
bind(context, codes->right, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_move_right);
bind(context, codes->del, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_delete);
bind(context, codes->back, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_backspace);
bind(context, codes->up, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_move_up);
bind(context, codes->down, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_move_down);
bind(context, codes->end, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_seek_end_of_line);
bind(context, codes->home, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_seek_beginning_of_line);
bind(context, codes->page_up, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_page_up);
bind(context, codes->page_down, MDFR_NONE, cmdid_page_down);
bind(context, codes->right, MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_seek_whitespace_right);
bind(context, codes->left, MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_seek_whitespace_left);
bind(context, codes->up, MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_seek_whitespace_up);
bind(context, codes->down, MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_seek_whitespace_down);
bind(context, ' ', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_set_mark);
bind(context, 'm', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_cursor_mark_swap);
bind(context, 'c', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_copy);
bind(context, 'x', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_cut);
bind(context, 'v', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_paste);
bind(context, 'V', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_paste_next);
bind(context, 'z', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_undo);
bind(context, 'y', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_redo);
bind(context, 'd', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_delete_chunk);
bind(context, 'l', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_toggle_line_wrap);
bind(context, 'L', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_toggle_endline_mode);
bind(context, 'u', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_to_uppercase);
bind(context, 'j', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_to_lowercase);
bind(context, '?', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_toggle_show_whitespace);
// NOTE(allen): These whitespace manipulators are not currently functional
bind(context, '`', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_clean_line);
bind(context, '~', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_clean_all_lines);
bind(context, '1', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_eol_dosify);
bind(context, '!', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_eol_nixify);
bind(context, 'f', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_search);
bind(context, 'r', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_rsearch);
bind(context, 'g', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_goto_line);
bind(context, 'K', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_kill_buffer);
bind(context, 'O', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_reopen);
bind(context, 'w', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_interactive_save_as);
bind(context, 's', MDFR_CTRL, cmdid_save);
return context->write_total;
inline void
strset_(char *dst, char *src){
*dst++ = *src++;
}while (*src);
#define strset(d,s) if (sizeof(s) <= sizeof(d)) strset_(d,s)
extern "C" SET_EXTRA_FONT_SIG(set_extra_font){
strset(font_out->file_name, "liberation-mono.ttf");
strset(font_out->font_name, "BIG");
font_out->size = 25;