544 lines
14 KiB
544 lines
14 KiB
* Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster
* 12.12.2019
* Render website static pages
// TOP
#include "4coder_base_types.h"
#include "../4ed_api_definition.h"
#include "4coder_doc_content_types.h"
#include "../docs/4ed_doc_helper.h"
#include "generated/command_metadata.h"
#include "4coder_base_types.cpp"
#include "4coder_stringf.cpp"
#include "4coder_malloc_allocator.cpp"
#include "../4ed_api_definition.cpp"
#include "4coder_doc_content_types.cpp"
#include "../docs/4ed_doc_helper.cpp"
#include "4coder_file.cpp"
#include "generated/custom_api_constructor.cpp"
#include "../docs/4ed_doc_custom_api.cpp"
#include "4coder_doc_commands.cpp"
#include <stdio.h>
char html_header[] = R"HTMLFOO(
<html lang="en-US">
<link rel='shortcut icon' type='image/x-icon' href='4coder_icon.ico' />
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Inconsolata:700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="../search.js"></script>
body {
font-family: 'Inconsolata', monospace;
background: #0C0C0C;
color: #FF00FF;
h1 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: .4em;
font-size: 1.9em;
color: #00A000;
h2 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: .666em;
font-size: 1.5em;
color: #00A000;
h3 {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
font-size: 1.17em;
color: #90B080;
background: #001300;
padding: 0 .25em 0 .25em;
display: inline;
ul {
margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
li {
margin-top: 5px;
li.firstli {
margin-top: 0px;
pre {
margin: 0;
.root {
width: 50%%;
margin: auto;
@media only screen and (max-width: 1000px) {
.root {
width: 70%%;
@media only screen and (max-width: 800px) {
.root {
width: 90%%;
.center {
text-align: center;
.normal {
font-size: 1em;
color: #90B080;
text-align: justify;
.normal li {
text-align: left;
.small {
font-size: .8em;
color: #90B080;
text-align: justify;
.small li {
text-align: left;
.normal a:link, .small a:link,
h1 a:link, h2 a:link, a:link {
color: #D08F20;
.normal a:visited, .small a:visited,
h1 a:visited, h2 a:visited, a:visited {
color: #744F14;
.normal a:hover, .small a:hover,
h1 a:hover, h2 a:hover, a:hover {
color: #E0AF60;
.sample_code {
font-size: 1em;
color: #90B080;
padding: 3px;
background: #323232;
.sample_code div{
padding: .5em;
background: #181818;
.comment {
margin-left: 14px;
margin-right: 14px;
font-size: 1.25em;
color: #2090F0;
.emphasize {
color: #00A000;
.spacer {
height: 2.5em;
.small_spacer {
height: 1em;
.very_small_spacer {
height: .5em;
.bottom_spacer {
height: 20em;
.docs_menu {
padding: 0;
.filter_box {
border: 1px solid #90B080;
font-size: 1.5em;
color: #90B080;
background: none;
text-align: justify;
font-family: 'Inconsolata', monospace;
width: 15em;
<div class="root">
char html_footer[] = R"HTMLFOO(
<div class="bottom_spacer"></div>
function void
render_doc_page_to_html__content(Arena *scratch, Doc_Content_List *list, FILE *out){
fprintf(out, "<div class=\"normal\">");
for (Doc_Content *content = list->first;
content != 0;
content = content->next){
switch (content->emphasis){
case DocContentEmphasis_Normal:
// do nothing
case DocContentEmphasis_SmallHeader:
fprintf(out, "<h3>");
case DocContentEmphasis_Heavy:
fprintf(out, "<span class=\"emphasize\">");
case DocContentEmphasis_Stylish:
fprintf(out, "<span class=\"comment\">");
case DocContentEmphasis_Code:
fprintf(out, "<code><pre>");
b32 close_link = false;
if (content->page_link.size > 0){
fprintf(out, "<a href=\"%.*s.html\">", string_expand(content->page_link));
else if (content->block_link.size > 0){
fprintf(out, "<a href=\"#%.*s\">", string_expand(content->block_link));
fprintf(out, "%.*s", string_expand(content->text));
if (close_link){
fprintf(out, "</a>");
switch (content->emphasis){
case DocContentEmphasis_Normal:
// do nothing
case DocContentEmphasis_SmallHeader:
fprintf(out, "</h3>");
case DocContentEmphasis_Heavy:
case DocContentEmphasis_Stylish:
fprintf(out, "</span>");
case DocContentEmphasis_Code:
fprintf(out, "</code></pre>");
fprintf(out, " ");
fprintf(out, "</div>\n");
function void
render_doc_page_to_html__code(Arena *scratch, Doc_Code_Sample_List *code, FILE *out){
for (Doc_Code_Sample *node = code->first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
fprintf(out, "<div class=\"comment\">%s</div>", doc_language_name[node->language]);
fprintf(out, "<div class=\"very_small_spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(out, "<div class=\"sample_code\"><div>"
if (node->next != 0){
fprintf(out, "<div class=\"small_spacer\"></div>\n");
function void
render_doc_page_to_html__table(Arena *scratch, Vec2_i32 dim, Doc_Content_List *vals, FILE *out){
function void
render_doc_page_to_html(Arena *scratch, Doc_Page *page, FILE *file){
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
Doc_Cluster *cluster = page->owner;
fprintf(file, html_header, string_expand(page->title));
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"small_spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"small\">> <a href=\"%.*s.html\">%.*s</a></div>\n",
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"small_spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file, "<h1>%.*s</h1>\n", string_expand(page->name));
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"small\">");
fprintf(file, "%s %s %d",
fprintf(file, "</div>\n");
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>\n");
for (Doc_Block *block = page->first_block;
block != 0;
block = block->next){
if (block->name.size > 0 &&
!string_match(block->name, string_u8_litexpr("brief"))){
fprintf(file, "<h2>%.*s</h2>\n", string_expand(block->name));
for (Doc_Paragraph *par = block->first_par;
par != 0;
par = par->next){
switch (par->kind){
case DocParagraphKind_Text:
render_doc_page_to_html__content(scratch, &par->text, file);
case DocParagraphKind_Code:
render_doc_page_to_html__code(scratch, &par->code, file);
case DocParagraphKind_Table:
render_doc_page_to_html__table(scratch, par->table.dim, par->table.vals, file);
if (par->next != 0){
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"small_spacer\"></div>\n");
if (block->next != 0){
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file, html_footer);
function void
render_doc_page_to_html(Arena *scratch, Doc_Page *page, String_Const_u8 docs_root){
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
String_Const_u8 file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s%.*s.html",
FILE *file = fopen((char*)file_name.str, "wb");
if (file == 0){
printf("could not open %s\n", file_name.str);
render_doc_page_to_html(scratch, page, file);
function void
sort_doc_page_array(Doc_Page **ptrs, i32 first, i32 one_past_last){
if (first + 1 < one_past_last){
i32 pivot_index = one_past_last - 1;
String_Const_u8 pivot_name = ptrs[pivot_index]->name;
i32 j = first;
for (i32 i = first; i < pivot_index; i += 1){
String_Const_u8 name = ptrs[i]->name;
if (string_compare(name, pivot_name) < 0){
Swap(Doc_Page*, ptrs[j], ptrs[i]);
j += 1;
Swap(Doc_Page*, ptrs[j], ptrs[pivot_index]);
sort_doc_page_array(ptrs, first, j);
sort_doc_page_array(ptrs, j + 1, one_past_last);
function void
render_doc_cluster_to_html(Arena *scratch, Doc_Cluster *cluster,
FILE *file, FILE *file_index){
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
fprintf(file, html_header, string_expand(cluster->title));
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"small_spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file, "<h1>%.*s</h1>\n", string_expand(cluster->title));
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>\n");
// TODO(allen): Cluster description.
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"normal\">More documentation under construction</div>\n");
fprintf(file, "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file, "<h2><a href=\"%.*s_index.html\">Index</a></h2>\n",
fprintf(file, html_footer);
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
fprintf(file_index, html_header, string_expand(cluster->title));
fprintf(file_index, "<div class=\"small_spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file_index, "<h1>%.*s Index</h1>\n", string_expand(cluster->title));
fprintf(file_index, "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>\n");
fprintf(file_index, "<input class=\"filter_box\" type=\"text\" id=\"search_input\" onkeyup=\"SearchKeyUp(event)\" onkeydown=\"SearchKeyDown(event)\""
"placeholder=\"Filter...\" title=\"Filter...\">");
fprintf(file_index, "<div class=\"spacer\"></div>\n");
Doc_Page **ptrs = push_array(scratch, Doc_Page*, cluster->page_count);
i32 counter = 0;
for (Doc_Page *node = cluster->first_page;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
ptrs[counter] = node;
counter += 1;
sort_doc_page_array(ptrs, 0, counter);
fprintf(file_index, "<div class=\"normal\">");
fprintf(file_index, "<ul class=\"docs_menu\" id=\"docs_menu\">\n");
for (i32 i = 0; i < counter; i += 1){
Doc_Page *node = ptrs[i];
fprintf(file_index, "<li><a href=\"%.*s.html\">%.*s</a></li>",
fprintf(file_index, "</ul>\n");
fprintf(file_index, "</div>\n");
fprintf(file_index, html_footer);
function void
render_doc_cluster_to_html(Arena *scratch, Doc_Cluster *cluster, String_Const_u8 docs_root){
Temp_Memory_Block temp(scratch);
String_Const_u8 file_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s%.*s.html",
String_Const_u8 indx_name = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "%.*s%.*s_index.html",
FILE *file = fopen((char*)file_name.str, "wb");
if (file == 0){
printf("could not open %s\n", file_name.str);
FILE *file_index = fopen((char*)indx_name.str, "wb");
if (file_index == 0){
printf("could not open %s\n", indx_name.str);
render_doc_cluster_to_html(scratch, cluster, file, file_index);
printf("%s:1:1\n", indx_name.str);
int main(){
Arena arena = make_arena_malloc();
String_Const_u8 self = string_u8_litexpr(__FILE__);
umem code_pos = string_find_first(self, string_u8_litexpr("code"));
String_Const_u8 root = string_prefix(self, code_pos + 5);
String_Const_u8 outside_root = string_prefix(self, code_pos);
String_Const_u8 build_root = push_u8_stringf(&arena, "%.*sbuild/",
String_Const_u8 site_root = push_u8_stringf(&arena, "%.*ssite/",
String_Const_u8 docs_root = push_u8_stringf(&arena, "%.*sdocs/",
API_Definition *api_def = custom_api_construct(&arena);
Doc_Cluster *cluster_array[] = {
doc_custom_api(&arena, api_def),
for (i32 i = 0; i < ArrayCount(cluster_array); i += 1){
Doc_Cluster *cluster = cluster_array[i];
for (Doc_Page *node = cluster->first_page;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
render_doc_page_to_html(&arena, node, docs_root);
render_doc_cluster_to_html(&arena, cluster, docs_root);