/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * (Mostly by insofaras) * * 14.11.2015 * * Linux layer for 4coder * */ // TOP #define IS_PLAT_LAYER #include "4ed_os_comp_cracking.h" #include #include "4ed_defines.h" #include "4coder_API/version.h" #include "4coder_lib/4coder_utf8.h" #if defined(FRED_SUPER) # include "4coder_API/keycodes.h" # include "4coder_API/style.h" # define FSTRING_IMPLEMENTATION # include "4coder_lib/4coder_string.h" # include "4coder_lib/4coder_mem.h" # include "4coder_API/types.h" # include "4ed_os_custom_api.h" #else # include "4coder_default_bindings.cpp" #endif #include "4ed_math.h" #include "4ed_system.h" #include "4ed_log.h" #include "4ed_rendering.h" #include "4ed.h" #include "4ed_file_track.h" #include "4ed_font_interface_to_os.h" #include "4ed_system_shared.h" #include "unix_4ed_headers.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "4ed_shared_thread_constants.h" #include "linux_threading_wrapper.h" // // Linux macros // #define LINUX_MAX_PASTE_CHARS 0x10000L #define FPS 60L #define frame_useconds (1000000UL / FPS) #define LINUX_FN_DEBUG(fmt, ...) do { \ LOGF("%s: " fmt "\n", __func__, ##__VA_ARGS__); \ } while (0) #define InterlockedCompareExchange(dest, ex, comp) \ __sync_val_compare_and_swap((dest), (comp), (ex)) // // Linux structs / enums // enum { LINUX_4ED_EVENT_X11 = (UINT64_C(1) << 32), LINUX_4ED_EVENT_X11_INTERNAL = (UINT64_C(2) << 32), LINUX_4ED_EVENT_STEP = (UINT64_C(3) << 32), LINUX_4ED_EVENT_STEP_TIMER = (UINT64_C(4) << 32), LINUX_4ED_EVENT_CLI = (UINT64_C(5) << 32), }; struct Linux_Coroutine { Coroutine coroutine; Linux_Coroutine *next; ucontext_t ctx, yield_ctx; stack_t stack; b32 done; }; // // Linux forward declarations // internal void LinuxStringDup(String*, void*, size_t); //////////////////////////////// #include "linux_4ed_libraries.cpp" #include "4ed_standard_libraries.cpp" //////////////////////////////// struct Linux_Vars{ Display *XDisplay; Window XWindow; XIM input_method; XIMStyle input_style; XIC input_context; Application_Step_Input input; String clipboard_contents; String clipboard_outgoing; b32 new_clipboard; Atom atom_TARGETS; Atom atom_CLIPBOARD; Atom atom_UTF8_STRING; Atom atom__NET_WM_STATE; Atom atom__NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ; Atom atom__NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT; Atom atom__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN; Atom atom__NET_WM_PING; Atom atom__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE; Atom atom__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL; Atom atom__NET_WM_PID; Atom atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW; b32 has_xfixes; int xfixes_selection_event; int epoll; int step_timer_fd; int step_event_fd; int x11_fd; int inotify_fd; u64 last_step; b32 full_screen; b32 do_toggle; b32 keep_running; Application_Mouse_Cursor cursor; b32 hide_cursor; Cursor hidden_cursor; void *custom; sem_t thread_semaphore; i32 dpi_x, dpi_y; Custom_API custom_api; b32 vsync; Linux_Coroutine coroutine_data[18]; Linux_Coroutine *coroutine_free; }; //////////////////////////////// global Linux_Vars linuxvars; global Render_Target target; global System_Functions sysfunc; global Application_Memory memory_vars; global Plat_Settings plat_settings; global Libraries libraries; global App_Functions app; //////////////////////////////// #include "linux_icon.h" internal void linux_set_icon(Display* d, Window w){ Atom WM_ICON = XInternAtom(d, "_NET_WM_ICON", False); XChangeProperty(d, w, WM_ICON, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)linux_icon, sizeof(linux_icon) / sizeof(long)); } #include "linux_error_box.cpp" //////////////////////////////// #define SLASH '/' #define DLL "so" internal sem_t* handle_sem(Plat_Handle h){ return(*(sem_t**)&h); } internal Plat_Handle handle_sem(sem_t *sem){ return(*(Plat_Handle*)&sem); } //////////////////////////////// #include "unix_4ed_functions.cpp" #include "4ed_shared_file_handling.cpp" //////////////////////////////// internal void system_schedule_step(){ u64 now = system_now_time(); u64 diff = (now - linuxvars.last_step); if (diff > (u64)frame_useconds){ u64 ev = 1; ssize_t size = write(linuxvars.step_event_fd, &ev, sizeof(ev)); AllowLocal(size); } else{ struct itimerspec its = {}; timerfd_gettime(linuxvars.step_timer_fd, &its); if (its.it_value.tv_sec == 0 && its.it_value.tv_nsec == 0){ its.it_value.tv_nsec = (frame_useconds - diff) * 1000UL; timerfd_settime(linuxvars.step_timer_fd, 0, &its, NULL); } } } //////////////////////////////// #include "4ed_work_queues.cpp" //////////////////////////////// internal void linux_set_wm_state(Display* d, Window w, Atom one, Atom two, int mode){ //NOTE(inso): this will only work after it is mapped enum { STATE_REMOVE, STATE_ADD, STATE_TOGGLE }; XEvent e = {}; e.xany.type = ClientMessage; e.xclient.message_type = linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_STATE; e.xclient.format = 32; e.xclient.window = w; e.xclient.data.l[0] = mode; e.xclient.data.l[1] = one; e.xclient.data.l[2] = two; e.xclient.data.l[3] = 1L; XSendEvent(d, RootWindow(d, 0), 0, SubstructureNotifyMask | SubstructureRedirectMask, &e); } internal void linux_maximize_window(b32 maximize){ linux_set_wm_state(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ, linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT, maximize?1:0); } internal void linux_toggle_fullscreen(){ linuxvars.full_screen = !linuxvars.full_screen; linux_set_wm_state(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN, 0, linuxvars.full_screen?1:0); } internal Sys_Show_Mouse_Cursor_Sig(system_show_mouse_cursor){ linuxvars.hide_cursor = !show; XDefineCursor(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, show?None:linuxvars.hidden_cursor); } internal Sys_Set_Fullscreen_Sig(system_set_fullscreen){ b32 success = true; linuxvars.do_toggle = (linuxvars.full_screen != full_screen); return(success); } internal Sys_Is_Fullscreen_Sig(system_is_fullscreen){ b32 result = (linuxvars.full_screen != linuxvars.do_toggle); return(result); } // HACK(allen): Why does this work differently from the win32 version!? internal Sys_Send_Exit_Signal_Sig(system_send_exit_signal){ linuxvars.keep_running = false; } // // Clipboard // internal Sys_Post_Clipboard_Sig(system_post_clipboard){ LinuxStringDup(&linuxvars.clipboard_outgoing, str.str, str.size); XSetSelectionOwner(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, linuxvars.XWindow, CurrentTime); } // // Coroutine // internal Linux_Coroutine* LinuxAllocCoroutine(){ Linux_Coroutine *result = linuxvars.coroutine_free; Assert(result != 0); if (getcontext(&result->ctx) == -1){ perror("getcontext"); } result->ctx.uc_stack = result->stack; linuxvars.coroutine_free = result->next; return(result); } internal void LinuxFreeCoroutine(Linux_Coroutine *data){ data->next = linuxvars.coroutine_free; linuxvars.coroutine_free = data; } internal void LinuxCoroutineMain(void *arg_){ Linux_Coroutine *c = (Linux_Coroutine*)arg_; c->coroutine.func(&c->coroutine); c->done = 1; LinuxFreeCoroutine(c); setcontext((ucontext_t*)c->coroutine.yield_handle); } internal Sys_Create_Coroutine_Sig(system_create_coroutine){ Linux_Coroutine *c = LinuxAllocCoroutine(); c->done = 0; makecontext(&c->ctx, (void (*)())LinuxCoroutineMain, 1, &c->coroutine); *(ucontext_t**)&c->coroutine.plat_handle = &c->ctx; c->coroutine.func = func; return(&c->coroutine); } internal Sys_Launch_Coroutine_Sig(system_launch_coroutine){ Linux_Coroutine *c = (Linux_Coroutine*)coroutine; ucontext_t* ctx = *(ucontext**)&coroutine->plat_handle; coroutine->yield_handle = &c->yield_ctx; coroutine->in = in; coroutine->out = out; swapcontext(&c->yield_ctx, ctx); if (c->done){ LinuxFreeCoroutine(c); coroutine = 0; } return(coroutine); } internal Sys_Resume_Coroutine_Sig(system_resume_coroutine){ Linux_Coroutine *c = (Linux_Coroutine*)coroutine; void *fiber; Assert(!c->done); coroutine->yield_handle = &c->yield_ctx; coroutine->in = in; coroutine->out = out; ucontext *ctx = *(ucontext**)&coroutine->plat_handle; swapcontext(&c->yield_ctx, ctx); if (c->done){ LinuxFreeCoroutine(c); coroutine = 0; } return(coroutine); } internal Sys_Yield_Coroutine_Sig(system_yield_coroutine){ swapcontext(*(ucontext_t**)&coroutine->plat_handle, (ucontext*)coroutine->yield_handle); } // // CLI // internal Sys_CLI_Call_Sig(system_cli_call){ LINUX_FN_DEBUG("%s %s", path, script_name); int pipe_fds[2]; if (pipe(pipe_fds) == -1){ perror("system_cli_call: pipe"); return 0; } pid_t child_pid = fork(); if (child_pid == -1){ perror("system_cli_call: fork"); return 0; } enum { PIPE_FD_READ, PIPE_FD_WRITE }; // child if (child_pid == 0){ close(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_READ]); dup2(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE], STDOUT_FILENO); dup2(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE], STDERR_FILENO); if (chdir(path) == -1){ perror("system_cli_call: chdir"); exit(1); } char* argv[] = { "sh", "-c", script_name, NULL }; if (execv("/bin/sh", argv) == -1){ perror("system_cli_call: execv"); } exit(1); } else{ close(pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE]); *(pid_t*)&cli_out->proc = child_pid; *(int*)&cli_out->out_read = pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_READ]; *(int*)&cli_out->out_write = pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_WRITE]; struct epoll_event e = {}; e.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; e.data.u64 = LINUX_4ED_EVENT_CLI; epoll_ctl(linuxvars.epoll, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, pipe_fds[PIPE_FD_READ], &e); } return(true); } internal Sys_CLI_Begin_Update_Sig(system_cli_begin_update){ // NOTE(inso): I don't think anything needs to be done here. } internal Sys_CLI_Update_Step_Sig(system_cli_update_step){ int pipe_read_fd = *(int*)&cli->out_read; fd_set fds; FD_ZERO(&fds); FD_SET(pipe_read_fd, &fds); struct timeval tv = {}; size_t space_left = max; char* ptr = dest; while (space_left > 0 && select(pipe_read_fd + 1, &fds, NULL, NULL, &tv) == 1){ ssize_t num = read(pipe_read_fd, ptr, space_left); if (num == -1){ perror("system_cli_update_step: read"); } else if (num == 0){ // NOTE(inso): EOF break; } else { ptr += num; space_left -= num; } } *amount = (ptr - dest); return((ptr - dest) > 0); } internal Sys_CLI_End_Update_Sig(system_cli_end_update){ pid_t pid = *(pid_t*)&cli->proc; b32 close_me = false; int status; if (pid && waitpid(pid, &status, WNOHANG) > 0){ close_me = true; cli->exit = WEXITSTATUS(status); struct epoll_event e = {}; epoll_ctl(linuxvars.epoll, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, *(int*)&cli->out_read, &e); close(*(int*)&cli->out_read); close(*(int*)&cli->out_write); } return(close_me); } // // Linux rendering/font system functions // #include "4ed_font_data.h" #include "4ed_system_shared.cpp" // // End of system funcs // // // Linux init functions // internal void LinuxLoadRenderCode(){ target.push_clip = draw_push_clip; target.pop_clip = draw_pop_clip; target.push_piece = draw_push_piece; } // // Renderer // internal void LinuxRedrawTarget(){ launch_rendering(&sysfunc, &target); //glFlush(); glXSwapBuffers(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow); } internal void LinuxResizeTarget(i32 width, i32 height){ if (width > 0 && height > 0){ glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glOrtho(0, width, height, 0, -1, 1); glScissor(0, 0, width, height); target.width = width; target.height = height; } } // // OpenGL init // // NOTE(allen): Thanks to Casey for providing the linux OpenGL launcher. static bool ctxErrorOccurred = false; internal int ctxErrorHandler( Display *dpy, XErrorEvent *ev ) { ctxErrorOccurred = true; return 0; } #if defined(FRED_INTERNAL) static void LinuxGLDebugCallback( GLenum source, GLenum type, GLuint id, GLenum severity, GLsizei length, const GLchar* message, const void* userParam ){ LOGF("GL DEBUG: %s\n", message); } #endif internal GLXContext InitializeOpenGLContext(Display *XDisplay, Window XWindow, GLXFBConfig &bestFbc, b32 &IsLegacy) { IsLegacy = false; typedef GLXContext (*glXCreateContextAttribsARBProc)(Display*, GLXFBConfig, GLXContext, Bool, const int*); typedef PFNGLXSWAPINTERVALEXTPROC glXSwapIntervalEXTProc; typedef PFNGLXSWAPINTERVALMESAPROC glXSwapIntervalMESAProc; typedef PFNGLXGETSWAPINTERVALMESAPROC glXGetSwapIntervalMESAProc; typedef PFNGLXSWAPINTERVALSGIPROC glXSwapIntervalSGIProc; const char *glxExts = glXQueryExtensionsString(XDisplay, DefaultScreen(XDisplay)); #define GLXLOAD(x) x ## Proc x = (x ## Proc) glXGetProcAddressARB( (const GLubyte*) #x); GLXLOAD(glXCreateContextAttribsARB); GLXContext ctx = 0; ctxErrorOccurred = false; int (*oldHandler)(Display*, XErrorEvent*) = XSetErrorHandler(&ctxErrorHandler); if (!glXCreateContextAttribsARB) { LOG("glXCreateContextAttribsARB() not found, using old-style GLX context\n" ); ctx = glXCreateNewContext( XDisplay, bestFbc, GLX_RGBA_TYPE, 0, True ); } else { int context_attribs[] = { GLX_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, GLX_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB , GLX_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, #if defined(FRED_INTERNAL) GLX_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB , GLX_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB, #endif None }; LOG("Creating GL 4.3 context...\n"); ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(XDisplay, bestFbc, 0, True, context_attribs); XSync( XDisplay, False ); if (!ctxErrorOccurred && ctx) { LOG("Created GL 4.3 context.\n" ); } else { ctxErrorOccurred = false; context_attribs[1] = 3; context_attribs[3] = 2; LOG("GL 4.3 unavailable, creating GL 3.2 context...\n" ); ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB( XDisplay, bestFbc, 0, True, context_attribs ); XSync(XDisplay, False); if (!ctxErrorOccurred && ctx) { LOG("Created GL 3.2 context.\n" ); } else { context_attribs[1] = 1; context_attribs[3] = 2; ctxErrorOccurred = false; LOG("Failed to create GL 3.2 context, using old-style GLX context\n"); ctx = glXCreateContextAttribsARB(XDisplay, bestFbc, 0, True, context_attribs); IsLegacy = true; } } } XSync(XDisplay, False); XSetErrorHandler(oldHandler); if (ctxErrorOccurred || !ctx){ LOG("Failed to create an OpenGL context\n"); exit(1); } b32 Direct; if (!glXIsDirect(XDisplay, ctx)) { LOG("Indirect GLX rendering context obtained\n"); Direct = false; } else{ LOG("Direct GLX rendering context obtained\n"); Direct = true; } LOG("Making context current\n"); glXMakeCurrent( XDisplay, XWindow, ctx ); char *Vendor = (char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR); char *Renderer = (char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER); char *Version = (char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION); //TODO(inso): glGetStringi is required in core profile if the GL version is >= 3.0 char *Extensions = (char *)glGetString(GL_EXTENSIONS); LOGF("GL_VENDOR: %s\n", Vendor); LOGF("GL_RENDERER: %s\n", Renderer); LOGF("GL_VERSION: %s\n", Version); //NOTE(inso): enable vsync if available. this should probably be optional if (Direct && strstr(glxExts, "GLX_EXT_swap_control ")){ GLXLOAD(glXSwapIntervalEXT); if (glXSwapIntervalEXT){ glXSwapIntervalEXT(XDisplay, XWindow, 1); unsigned int swap_val = 0; glXQueryDrawable(XDisplay, XWindow, GLX_SWAP_INTERVAL_EXT, &swap_val); linuxvars.vsync = swap_val == 1; LOGF("VSync enabled? %s.\n", linuxvars.vsync ? "Yes" : "No"); } } else if (Direct && strstr(glxExts, "GLX_MESA_swap_control ")){ GLXLOAD(glXSwapIntervalMESA); GLXLOAD(glXGetSwapIntervalMESA); if (glXSwapIntervalMESA){ glXSwapIntervalMESA(1); if (glXGetSwapIntervalMESA){ linuxvars.vsync = glXGetSwapIntervalMESA(); LOGF("VSync enabled? %s (MESA)\n", linuxvars.vsync ? "Yes" : "No"); } else { // NOTE(inso): assume it worked? linuxvars.vsync = 1; LOG("VSync enabled? possibly (MESA)\n"); } } } else if (Direct && strstr(glxExts, "GLX_SGI_swap_control ")){ GLXLOAD(glXSwapIntervalSGI); if (glXSwapIntervalSGI){ glXSwapIntervalSGI(1); // NOTE(inso): The SGI one doesn't seem to have a way to confirm we got it... linuxvars.vsync = 1; LOG("VSync enabled? hopefully (SGI)\n"); } } else{ LOG("VSync enabled? nope, no suitable extension\n"); } #if defined(FRED_INTERNAL) typedef PFNGLDEBUGMESSAGECALLBACKARBPROC glDebugMessageCallbackProc; GLXLOAD(glDebugMessageCallback); if (glDebugMessageCallback){ LOG("Enabling GL Debug Callback\n"); glDebugMessageCallback(&LinuxGLDebugCallback, 0); glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); } #endif glEnable(GL_TEXTURE_2D); glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); #undef GLXLOAD return(ctx); } internal b32 GLXCanUseFBConfig(Display *XDisplay) { b32 Result = false; int GLXMajor, GLXMinor; char *XVendor = ServerVendor(XDisplay); LOGF("XWindows vendor: %s\n", XVendor); if (glXQueryVersion(XDisplay, &GLXMajor, &GLXMinor)) { LOGF("GLX version %d.%d\n", GLXMajor, GLXMinor); if (((GLXMajor == 1 ) && (GLXMinor >= 3)) || (GLXMajor > 1)) { Result = true; } } return(Result); } struct glx_config_result{ b32 Found; GLXFBConfig BestConfig; XVisualInfo BestInfo; }; internal glx_config_result ChooseGLXConfig(Display *XDisplay, int XScreenIndex) { glx_config_result Result = {0}; int DesiredAttributes[] = { GLX_X_RENDERABLE , True, GLX_DRAWABLE_TYPE , GLX_WINDOW_BIT, GLX_RENDER_TYPE , GLX_RGBA_BIT, GLX_X_VISUAL_TYPE , GLX_TRUE_COLOR, GLX_RED_SIZE , 8, GLX_GREEN_SIZE , 8, GLX_BLUE_SIZE , 8, GLX_ALPHA_SIZE , 8, GLX_DEPTH_SIZE , 24, GLX_STENCIL_SIZE , 8, GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER , True, //GLX_SAMPLE_BUFFERS , 1, //GLX_SAMPLES , 4, None }; int ConfigCount = 0; GLXFBConfig *Configs = glXChooseFBConfig(XDisplay, XScreenIndex, DesiredAttributes, &ConfigCount); if (Configs && ConfigCount > 0) { XVisualInfo* VI = glXGetVisualFromFBConfig(XDisplay, Configs[0]); if (VI) { Result.Found = true; Result.BestConfig = Configs[0]; Result.BestInfo = *VI; int id = 0; glXGetFBConfigAttrib(XDisplay, Result.BestConfig, GLX_FBCONFIG_ID, &id); LOGF("Using FBConfig: %d (0x%x)\n", id, id); XFree(VI); } XFree(Configs); } return(Result); } // // X11 input / events init // struct Init_Input_Result{ XIM input_method; XIMStyle best_style; XIC xic; }; static Init_Input_Result null_init_input_result = {0}; internal Init_Input_Result LinuxInputInit(Display *dpy, Window XWindow){ Init_Input_Result result = {}; XIMStyles *styles = 0; XIMStyle style; unsigned long xim_event_mask = 0; setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); XSetLocaleModifiers(""); b32 locale_supported = XSupportsLocale(); LOGF("Supported locale?: %s.\n", locale_supported ? "Yes" : "No"); if (!locale_supported){ LOG("Reverting to 'C' ... "); setlocale(LC_ALL, "C"); locale_supported = XSupportsLocale(); LOGF("C is supported? %s.\n", locale_supported ? "Yes" : "No"); } result.input_method = XOpenIM(dpy, 0, 0, 0); if (!result.input_method){ // NOTE(inso): Try falling back to the internal XIM implementation that // should in theory always exist. XSetLocaleModifiers("@im=none"); result.input_method = XOpenIM(dpy, 0, 0, 0); } if (result.input_method){ if (!XGetIMValues(result.input_method, XNQueryInputStyle, &styles, NULL) && styles){ for (i32 i = 0; i < styles->count_styles; ++i){ style = styles->supported_styles[i]; if (style == (XIMPreeditNothing | XIMStatusNothing)){ result.best_style = style; break; } } } if (result.best_style){ XFree(styles); result.xic = XCreateIC(result.input_method, XNInputStyle, result.best_style, XNClientWindow, XWindow, XNFocusWindow, XWindow, NULL); if (XGetICValues(result.xic, XNFilterEvents, &xim_event_mask, NULL)){ xim_event_mask = 0; } } else{ result = null_init_input_result; LOG("Could not get minimum required input style.\n"); exit(1); } } else{ result = null_init_input_result; LOG("Could not open X Input Method.\n"); exit(1); } u32 flags = ExposureMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | EnterWindowMask | LeaveWindowMask | PointerMotionMask | FocusChangeMask | StructureNotifyMask | MappingNotify | ExposureMask | VisibilityChangeMask | xim_event_mask; XSelectInput(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, flags); return(result); } // // Keyboard handling funcs // global Key_Code keycode_lookup_table[255]; internal void LinuxKeycodeInit(Display* dpy){ // NOTE(inso): This looks a bit dumb, but it's the best way I can think of to do it, since: // KeySyms are the type representing "virtual" keys, like XK_BackSpace, but they are 32-bit ints. // KeyCodes are guaranteed to fit in 1 byte (and therefore the keycode_lookup_table) but // have dynamic numbers assigned by the XServer. // There is XKeysymToKeycode, but it only returns 1 KeyCode for a KeySym. I have my capslock // rebound to esc, so there are two KeyCodes for the XK_Escape KeyCode but XKeysymToKeycode only // gets one of them, hence the need for this crazy lookup which works correctly with rebound keys. memset(keycode_lookup_table, 0, sizeof(keycode_lookup_table)); struct SymMapping { KeySym sym; u16 code; } sym_table[] = { { XK_BackSpace, key_back }, { XK_Delete, key_del }, { XK_Up, key_up }, { XK_Down, key_down }, { XK_Left, key_left }, { XK_Right, key_right }, { XK_Insert, key_insert }, { XK_Home, key_home }, { XK_End, key_end }, { XK_Page_Up, key_page_up }, { XK_Page_Down, key_page_down }, { XK_Escape, key_esc }, { XK_F1, key_f1 }, { XK_F2, key_f2 }, { XK_F3, key_f3 }, { XK_F4, key_f4 }, { XK_F5, key_f5 }, { XK_F6, key_f6 }, { XK_F7, key_f7 }, { XK_F8, key_f8 }, { XK_F9, key_f9 }, { XK_F10, key_f10 }, { XK_F11, key_f11 }, { XK_F12, key_f12 }, { XK_F13, key_f13 }, { XK_F14, key_f14 }, { XK_F15, key_f15 }, { XK_F16, key_f16 }, }; const int table_size = sizeof(sym_table) / sizeof(struct SymMapping); int key_min, key_max, syms_per_code; XDisplayKeycodes(dpy, &key_min, &key_max); int key_count = (key_max - key_min) + 1; KeySym* syms = XGetKeyboardMapping( dpy, key_min, key_count, &syms_per_code ); if (!syms) return; int key = key_min; for(int i = 0; i < key_count * syms_per_code; ++i){ for(int j = 0; j < table_size; ++j){ if (sym_table[j].sym == syms[i]){ keycode_lookup_table[key + (i/syms_per_code)] = sym_table[j].code; break; } } } XFree(syms); } internal void LinuxPushKey(Key_Code code, Key_Code chr, Key_Code chr_nocaps, b8 (*mods)[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT]) { i32 *count = &linuxvars.input.keys.count; Key_Event_Data *data = linuxvars.input.keys.keys; if (*count < KEY_INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE){ data[*count].keycode = code; data[*count].character = chr; data[*count].character_no_caps_lock = chr_nocaps; memcpy(data[*count].modifiers, *mods, sizeof(*mods)); ++(*count); } } // // Misc utility funcs // internal void LinuxStringDup(String* str, void* data, size_t size){ if (str->memory_size < size){ if (str->str){ system_memory_free(str->str, str->memory_size); } str->memory_size = size; str->str = (char*)system_memory_allocate(size); //TODO(inso): handle alloc failure case } str->size = size; memcpy(str->str, data, size); } // // X11 utility funcs // internal void LinuxX11ConnectionWatch(Display* dpy, XPointer cdata, int fd, Bool opening, XPointer* wdata){ struct epoll_event e = {}; e.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; e.data.u64 = LINUX_4ED_EVENT_X11_INTERNAL | fd; int op = opening ? EPOLL_CTL_ADD : EPOLL_CTL_DEL; epoll_ctl(linuxvars.epoll, op, fd, &e); } internal int LinuxGetXSettingsDPI(Display* dpy, int screen) { struct XSettingHeader { u8 type; u8 pad0; u16 name_len; char name[0]; }; struct XSettings { u8 byte_order; u8 pad[3]; u32 serial; u32 num_settings; }; enum { XSettingsTypeInt, XSettingsTypeString, XSettingsTypeColor }; int dpi = -1; unsigned char* prop = NULL; char sel_buffer[64]; struct XSettings* xs; const char* p; snprintf(sel_buffer, sizeof(sel_buffer), "_XSETTINGS_S%d", screen); Atom XSET_SEL = XInternAtom(dpy, sel_buffer, True); Atom XSET_SET = XInternAtom(dpy, "_XSETTINGS_SETTINGS", True); if (XSET_SEL == None || XSET_SET == None){ LOG("XSETTINGS unavailable.\n"); return(dpi); } Window xset_win = XGetSelectionOwner(dpy, XSET_SEL); if (xset_win == None){ // TODO(inso): listen for the ClientMessage about it becoming available? // there's not much point atm if DPI scaling is only done at startup goto out; } { Atom type; int fmt; unsigned long pad, num; if (XGetWindowProperty(dpy, xset_win, XSET_SET, 0, 1024, False, XSET_SET, &type, &fmt, &num, &pad, &prop) != Success){ LOG("XSETTINGS: GetWindowProperty failed.\n"); goto out; } if (fmt != 8){ LOG("XSETTINGS: Wrong format.\n"); goto out; } } xs = (struct XSettings*)prop; p = (char*)(xs + 1); if (xs->byte_order != 0){ LOG("FIXME: XSETTINGS not host byte order?\n"); goto out; } for (int i = 0; i < xs->num_settings; ++i){ struct XSettingHeader* h = (struct XSettingHeader*)p; p += sizeof(struct XSettingHeader); p += h->name_len; p += ((4 - (h->name_len & 3)) & 3); p += 4; // serial switch (h->type){ case XSettingsTypeInt: { if (strncmp(h->name, "Xft/DPI", h->name_len) == 0){ dpi = *(i32*)p; if (dpi != -1) dpi /= 1024; } p += 4; } break; case XSettingsTypeString: { u32 len = *(u32*)p; p += 4; p += len; p += ((4 - (len & 3)) & 3); } break; case XSettingsTypeColor: { p += 8; } break; default: { LOG("XSETTINGS: Got invalid type...\n"); goto out; } break; } } out: if (prop){ XFree(prop); } return dpi; } // // X11 window init // internal f32 size_change(i32 x, i32 y){ f32 xs = x/96.f; f32 ys = y/96.f; f32 s = Min(xs, ys); return(s); } #define BASE_W 800 #define BASE_H 600 internal b32 LinuxX11WindowInit(int argc, char** argv, int* window_width, int* window_height){ if (plat_settings.set_window_size){ *window_width = plat_settings.window_w; *window_height = plat_settings.window_h; } else { f32 schange = size_change(linuxvars.dpi_x, linuxvars.dpi_y); *window_width = ceil32(BASE_W * schange); *window_height = ceil32(BASE_H * schange); } *window_width = Max(*window_width, 1); *window_height = Max(*window_height, 1); if (!GLXCanUseFBConfig(linuxvars.XDisplay)){ system_error_box("Your XServer's GLX version is too old. GLX 1.3+ is required."); } glx_config_result Config = ChooseGLXConfig(linuxvars.XDisplay, DefaultScreen(linuxvars.XDisplay)); if (!Config.Found){ system_error_box("Could not get a matching GLX FBConfig. Check your OpenGL drivers are installed correctly."); } XSetWindowAttributes swa = {}; swa.backing_store = WhenMapped; swa.event_mask = StructureNotifyMask; swa.bit_gravity = NorthWestGravity; swa.colormap = XCreateColormap(linuxvars.XDisplay, RootWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, Config.BestInfo.screen), Config.BestInfo.visual, AllocNone); u32 CWflags = CWBackingStore|CWBitGravity|CWBackPixel|CWBorderPixel|CWColormap|CWEventMask; linuxvars.XWindow = XCreateWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, RootWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, Config.BestInfo.screen), 0, 0, *window_width, *window_height, 0, Config.BestInfo.depth, InputOutput, Config.BestInfo.visual, CWflags, &swa); if (!linuxvars.XWindow){ system_error_box("XCreateWindow failed. Make sure your display is set up correctly."); } //NOTE(inso): Set the window's type to normal XChangeProperty(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL, 1); //NOTE(inso): window managers want the PID as a window property for some reason. pid_t pid = getpid(); XChangeProperty(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_PID, XA_CARDINAL, 32, PropModeReplace, (unsigned char*)&pid, 1); #define WINDOW_NAME "4coder 4linux: " VERSION //NOTE(inso): set wm properties XStoreName(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, WINDOW_NAME); XSizeHints *sz_hints = XAllocSizeHints(); XWMHints *wm_hints = XAllocWMHints(); XClassHint *cl_hints = XAllocClassHint(); sz_hints->flags = PMinSize | PMaxSize | PWinGravity; sz_hints->min_width = 50; sz_hints->min_height = 50; sz_hints->max_width = sz_hints->max_height = (1UL << 16UL); /* NOTE(inso): fluxbox thinks this is minimum, so don't set it sz_hints->base_width = BASE_W; sz_hints->base_height = BASE_H; */ sz_hints->win_gravity = NorthWestGravity; if (plat_settings.set_window_pos){ sz_hints->flags |= USPosition; sz_hints->x = plat_settings.window_x; sz_hints->y = plat_settings.window_y; } wm_hints->flags |= InputHint | StateHint; wm_hints->input = True; wm_hints->initial_state = NormalState; cl_hints->res_name = "4coder"; cl_hints->res_class = "4coder"; char* win_name_list[] = { WINDOW_NAME }; XTextProperty win_name; XStringListToTextProperty(win_name_list, 1, &win_name); XSetWMProperties(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, &win_name, NULL, argv, argc, sz_hints, wm_hints, cl_hints); XFree(win_name.value); XFree(sz_hints); XFree(wm_hints); XFree(cl_hints); linux_set_icon(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow); // NOTE(inso): make the window visible XMapWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow); b32 IsLegacy = false; GLXContext GLContext = InitializeOpenGLContext(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, Config.BestConfig, IsLegacy); XRaiseWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow); if (plat_settings.set_window_pos){ XMoveWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, plat_settings.window_x, plat_settings.window_y); } if (plat_settings.maximize_window){ linux_maximize_window(true); } else if (plat_settings.fullscreen_window){ linux_toggle_fullscreen(); } XSync(linuxvars.XDisplay, False); XWindowAttributes WinAttribs; if (XGetWindowAttributes(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, &WinAttribs)){ *window_width = WinAttribs.width; *window_height = WinAttribs.height; } Atom wm_protos[] = { linuxvars.atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW, linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_PING }; XSetWMProtocols(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, wm_protos, 2); return(true); } internal void LinuxHandleX11Events(void) { static XEvent PrevEvent = {}; b32 should_step = 0; while (XPending(linuxvars.XDisplay)) { XEvent Event; XNextEvent(linuxvars.XDisplay, &Event); if (XFilterEvent(&Event, None) == True){ continue; } switch (Event.type){ case KeyPress: { should_step = 1; b32 is_hold = (PrevEvent.type == KeyRelease && PrevEvent.xkey.time == Event.xkey.time && PrevEvent.xkey.keycode == Event.xkey.keycode); b8 mods[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT] = {}; mods[MDFR_HOLD_INDEX] = is_hold; if (Event.xkey.state & ShiftMask) mods[MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX] = 1; if (Event.xkey.state & ControlMask) mods[MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX] = 1; if (Event.xkey.state & LockMask) mods[MDFR_CAPS_INDEX] = 1; if (Event.xkey.state & Mod1Mask) mods[MDFR_ALT_INDEX] = 1; Event.xkey.state &= ~(ControlMask); Status status; KeySym keysym = NoSymbol; u8 buff[32] = {}; Xutf8LookupString(linuxvars.input_context, &Event.xkey, (char*)buff, sizeof(buff) - 1, &keysym, &status); if (status == XBufferOverflow){ //TODO(inso): handle properly Xutf8ResetIC(linuxvars.input_context); XSetICFocus(linuxvars.input_context); LOG("FIXME: XBufferOverflow from LookupString.\n"); } u32 key = utf8_to_u32_unchecked(buff); u32 key_no_caps = key; if (mods[MDFR_CAPS_INDEX] && status == XLookupBoth && Event.xkey.keycode){ u8 buff_no_caps[32] = {0}; Event.xkey.state &= ~(LockMask); XLookupString(&Event.xkey, (char*)buff_no_caps, sizeof(buff_no_caps) - 1, NULL, NULL); if (*buff_no_caps){ key_no_caps = utf8_to_u32_unchecked(buff_no_caps); } } if (key == '\r') key = '\n'; if (key_no_caps == '\r') key_no_caps = '\n'; // don't push modifiers if (keysym >= XK_Shift_L && keysym <= XK_Hyper_R){ break; } if (keysym == XK_ISO_Left_Tab){ key = key_no_caps = '\t'; mods[MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX] = 1; } Key_Code special_key = keycode_lookup_table[(u8)Event.xkey.keycode]; if (special_key){ LinuxPushKey(special_key, 0, 0, &mods); } else if (key < 256){ LinuxPushKey(key, key, key_no_caps, &mods); } else { LinuxPushKey(0, 0, 0, &mods); } }break; case KeyRelease: { should_step = 1; }break; case MotionNotify: { should_step = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.x = Event.xmotion.x; linuxvars.input.mouse.y = Event.xmotion.y; }break; case ButtonPress: { should_step = 1; switch(Event.xbutton.button){ case Button1: { linuxvars.input.mouse.press_l = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.l = 1; } break; case Button3: { linuxvars.input.mouse.press_r = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.r = 1; } break; //NOTE(inso): scroll up case Button4: { linuxvars.input.mouse.wheel = 1; }break; //NOTE(inso): scroll down case Button5: { linuxvars.input.mouse.wheel = -1; }break; } }break; case ButtonRelease: { should_step = 1; switch(Event.xbutton.button){ case Button1: { linuxvars.input.mouse.release_l = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.l = 0; } break; case Button3: { linuxvars.input.mouse.release_r = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.r = 0; } break; } }break; case EnterNotify: { should_step = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.out_of_window = 0; }break; case LeaveNotify: { should_step = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.out_of_window = 1; }break; case FocusIn: case FocusOut: { should_step = 1; linuxvars.input.mouse.l = 0; linuxvars.input.mouse.r = 0; }break; case ConfigureNotify: { should_step = 1; i32 w = Event.xconfigure.width; i32 h = Event.xconfigure.height; if (w != target.width || h != target.height){ LinuxResizeTarget(w, h); } }break; case MappingNotify: { if (Event.xmapping.request == MappingModifier || Event.xmapping.request == MappingKeyboard){ XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&Event.xmapping); LinuxKeycodeInit(linuxvars.XDisplay); } }break; case ClientMessage: { if ((Atom)Event.xclient.data.l[0] == linuxvars.atom_WM_DELETE_WINDOW) { should_step = 1; linuxvars.keep_running = 0; } else if ((Atom)Event.xclient.data.l[0] == linuxvars.atom__NET_WM_PING) { Event.xclient.window = DefaultRootWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay); XSendEvent( linuxvars.XDisplay, Event.xclient.window, False, SubstructureRedirectMask | SubstructureNotifyMask, &Event ); } }break; // NOTE(inso): Someone wants us to give them the clipboard data. case SelectionRequest: { XSelectionRequestEvent request = Event.xselectionrequest; XSelectionEvent response = {}; response.type = SelectionNotify; response.requestor = request.requestor; response.selection = request.selection; response.target = request.target; response.time = request.time; response.property = None; if ( linuxvars.clipboard_outgoing.size && request.selection == linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD && request.property != None && request.display && request.requestor ){ Atom atoms[] = { XA_STRING, linuxvars.atom_UTF8_STRING }; if (request.target == linuxvars.atom_TARGETS){ XChangeProperty( request.display, request.requestor, request.property, XA_ATOM, 32, PropModeReplace, (u8*)atoms, ArrayCount(atoms) ); response.property = request.property; } else { b32 found = false; for(int i = 0; i < ArrayCount(atoms); ++i){ if (request.target == atoms[i]){ found = true; break; } } if (found){ XChangeProperty( request.display, request.requestor, request.property, request.target, 8, PropModeReplace, (u8*)linuxvars.clipboard_outgoing.str, linuxvars.clipboard_outgoing.size ); response.property = request.property; } } } XSendEvent(request.display, request.requestor, True, 0, (XEvent*)&response); }break; // NOTE(inso): Another program is now the clipboard owner. case SelectionClear: { if (Event.xselectionclear.selection == linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD){ linuxvars.clipboard_outgoing.size = 0; } }break; // NOTE(inso): A program is giving us the clipboard data we asked for. case SelectionNotify: { XSelectionEvent* e = (XSelectionEvent*)&Event; if (e->selection == linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD && e->target == linuxvars.atom_UTF8_STRING && e->property != None){ Atom type; int fmt; unsigned long nitems, bytes_left; u8 *data; int result = XGetWindowProperty(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, 0L, LINUX_MAX_PASTE_CHARS/4L, False, linuxvars.atom_UTF8_STRING, &type, &fmt, &nitems, &bytes_left, &data); if (result == Success && fmt == 8){ LinuxStringDup(&linuxvars.clipboard_contents, data, nitems); should_step = 1; linuxvars.new_clipboard = 1; XFree(data); XDeleteProperty(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD); } } }break; case Expose: case VisibilityNotify: { should_step = 1; }break; default: { if (Event.type == linuxvars.xfixes_selection_event){ XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent* sne = (XFixesSelectionNotifyEvent*)&Event; if (sne->subtype == XFixesSelectionNotify && sne->owner != linuxvars.XWindow){ XConvertSelection(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, linuxvars.atom_UTF8_STRING, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, linuxvars.XWindow, CurrentTime); } } }break; } PrevEvent = Event; } if (should_step){ system_schedule_step(); } } #include "4ed_link_system_functions.cpp" #include "4ed_shared_init_logic.cpp" int main(int argc, char **argv){ // // System & Memory init // load_app_code(); link_system_code(&sysfunc); LinuxLoadRenderCode(); system_memory_init(); init_shared_vars(); // // Read command line // char* cwd = get_current_dir_name(); if (!cwd){ char buf[1024]; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Call to get_current_dir_name failed: %s", strerror(errno)); system_error_box(buf); } String current_directory = make_string_slowly(cwd); Command_Line_Parameters clparams; clparams.argv = argv; clparams.argc = argc; char **files; i32 *file_count; i32 output_size; output_size = app.read_command_line(&sysfunc, &memory_vars, current_directory, &plat_settings, &files, &file_count, clparams); if (output_size > 0){ LOGF("%.*s", output_size, (char*)memory_vars.target_memory); } if (output_size != 0){ system_error_box("Error reading command-line arguments."); } sysshared_filter_real_files(files, file_count); // // Custom layer linkage // #ifdef FRED_SUPER char base_dir_mem[PATH_MAX]; String base_dir = make_fixed_width_string(base_dir_mem); char *custom_file_default = "custom_4coder.so"; sysshared_to_binary_path(&base_dir, custom_file_default); custom_file_default = base_dir.str; char *custom_file; if (plat_settings.custom_dll){ custom_file = plat_settings.custom_dll; } else{ custom_file = custom_file_default; } linuxvars.custom = dlopen(custom_file, RTLD_LAZY); if (!linuxvars.custom && custom_file != custom_file_default){ if (!plat_settings.custom_dll_is_strict){ linuxvars.custom = dlopen(custom_file_default, RTLD_LAZY); } } if (linuxvars.custom){ linuxvars.custom_api.get_alpha_4coder_version = (_Get_Version_Function*) dlsym(linuxvars.custom, "get_alpha_4coder_version"); if (linuxvars.custom_api.get_alpha_4coder_version == 0 || linuxvars.custom_api.get_alpha_4coder_version(MAJOR, MINOR, PATCH) == 0){ system_error_box("Failed to load 'custom_4coder.so': Version mismatch. Try rebuilding it with 'buildsuper.sh'."); } else{ linuxvars.custom_api.get_bindings = (Get_Binding_Data_Function*) dlsym(linuxvars.custom, "get_bindings"); if (linuxvars.custom_api.get_bindings == 0){ system_error_box("Failed to load 'custom_4coder.so': " "It does not export the required 'get_bindings' function. " "Try rebuilding it with 'buildsuper.sh'."); } else{ LOG("Successfully loaded custom_4coder.so\n"); } } } else{ char buf[4096]; const char* error = dlerror(); snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Error loading custom: %s. " "Make sure this file is in the same directory as the main '4ed' executable.", error ? error : "'custom_4coder.so' missing"); system_error_box(buf); } #else linuxvars.custom_api.get_bindings = get_bindings; #endif // // Coroutines // linuxvars.coroutine_free = linuxvars.coroutine_data; for (i32 i = 0; i+1 < ArrayCount(linuxvars.coroutine_data); ++i){ linuxvars.coroutine_data[i].next = linuxvars.coroutine_data + i + 1; } const size_t stack_size = MB(2); for (i32 i = 0; i < ArrayCount(linuxvars.coroutine_data); ++i){ linuxvars.coroutine_data[i].stack.ss_size = stack_size; linuxvars.coroutine_data[i].stack.ss_sp = system_memory_allocate(stack_size); } // // Threads // system_init_threaded_work_system(); // // X11 init // linuxvars.XDisplay = XOpenDisplay(0); if (!linuxvars.XDisplay){ // NOTE(inso): probably not worth trying the popup in this case... LOG("Can't open display!\n"); return(1); } #define LOAD_ATOM(x) linuxvars.atom_##x = XInternAtom(linuxvars.XDisplay, #x, False); LOAD_ATOM(TARGETS); LOAD_ATOM(CLIPBOARD); LOAD_ATOM(UTF8_STRING); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_HORZ); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_MAXIMIZED_VERT); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_PING); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_WINDOW_TYPE_NORMAL); LOAD_ATOM(_NET_WM_PID); LOAD_ATOM(WM_DELETE_WINDOW); #undef LOAD_ATOM linuxvars.dpi_x = linuxvars.dpi_y = LinuxGetXSettingsDPI(linuxvars.XDisplay, DefaultScreen(linuxvars.XDisplay)); // fallback if (linuxvars.dpi_x == -1){ int scr = DefaultScreen(linuxvars.XDisplay); int dw = DisplayWidth(linuxvars.XDisplay, scr); int dh = DisplayHeight(linuxvars.XDisplay, scr); int dw_mm = DisplayWidthMM(linuxvars.XDisplay, scr); int dh_mm = DisplayHeightMM(linuxvars.XDisplay, scr); linuxvars.dpi_x = dw_mm ? dw / (dw_mm / 25.4) : 96; linuxvars.dpi_y = dh_mm ? dh / (dh_mm / 25.4) : 96; LOGF("%dx%d - %dmmx%dmm DPI: %dx%d\n", dw, dh, dw_mm, dh_mm, linuxvars.dpi_x, linuxvars.dpi_y); } else{ LOGF("DPI from XSETTINGS: %d\n", linuxvars.dpi_x); } int window_width, window_height; if (!LinuxX11WindowInit(argc, argv, &window_width, &window_height)){ return 1; } int xfixes_version_unused, xfixes_err_unused; b32 xquery_extension_r = XQueryExtension(linuxvars.XDisplay, "XFIXES", &xfixes_version_unused, &linuxvars.xfixes_selection_event, &xfixes_err_unused); linuxvars.has_xfixes = (xquery_extension_r == True); if (linuxvars.has_xfixes){ XFixesSelectSelectionInput(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotifyMask); } else{ LOG("Your X server doesn't support XFIXES, mention this fact if you report any clipboard-related issues.\n"); } Init_Input_Result input_result = LinuxInputInit(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow); linuxvars.input_method = input_result.input_method; linuxvars.input_style = input_result.best_style; linuxvars.input_context = input_result.xic; LinuxKeycodeInit(linuxvars.XDisplay); Cursor xcursors[APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_COUNT] = { None, None, XCreateFontCursor(linuxvars.XDisplay, XC_xterm), XCreateFontCursor(linuxvars.XDisplay, XC_sb_h_double_arrow), XCreateFontCursor(linuxvars.XDisplay, XC_sb_v_double_arrow) }; { char data = 0; XColor c = {}; Pixmap p = XCreateBitmapFromData(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, &data, 1, 1); linuxvars.hidden_cursor = XCreatePixmapCursor(linuxvars.XDisplay, p, p, &c, &c, 0, 0); XFreePixmap(linuxvars.XDisplay, p); } // // Font System Init // system_font_init(&sysfunc.font, 0, 0, plat_settings.font_size, plat_settings.use_hinting); // // Epoll init // linuxvars.x11_fd = ConnectionNumber(linuxvars.XDisplay); linuxvars.inotify_fd = inotify_init1(IN_NONBLOCK); linuxvars.step_event_fd = eventfd(0, EFD_NONBLOCK); linuxvars.step_timer_fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, TFD_NONBLOCK); linuxvars.epoll = epoll_create(16); { struct epoll_event e = {}; e.events = EPOLLIN | EPOLLET; e.data.u64 = LINUX_4ED_EVENT_X11; epoll_ctl(linuxvars.epoll, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, linuxvars.x11_fd, &e); e.data.u64 = LINUX_4ED_EVENT_STEP; epoll_ctl(linuxvars.epoll, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, linuxvars.step_event_fd, &e); e.data.u64 = LINUX_4ED_EVENT_STEP_TIMER; epoll_ctl(linuxvars.epoll, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, linuxvars.step_timer_fd, &e); } // // App init // XAddConnectionWatch(linuxvars.XDisplay, &LinuxX11ConnectionWatch, NULL); app.init(&sysfunc, &target, &memory_vars, linuxvars.clipboard_contents, current_directory, linuxvars.custom_api); LinuxResizeTarget(window_width, window_height); // // Main loop // system_acquire_lock(FRAME_LOCK); system_schedule_step(); linuxvars.keep_running = 1; linuxvars.input.first_step = 1; linuxvars.input.dt = (frame_useconds / 1000000.f); while (1){ if (XEventsQueued(linuxvars.XDisplay, QueuedAlready)){ LinuxHandleX11Events(); } system_release_lock(FRAME_LOCK); struct epoll_event events[16]; int num_events = epoll_wait(linuxvars.epoll, events, ArrayCount(events), -1); system_acquire_lock(FRAME_LOCK); if (num_events == -1){ if (errno != EINTR){ LOG("epoll_wait\n"); } continue; } b32 do_step = 0; for(int i = 0; i < num_events; ++i){ int fd = events[i].data.u64 & UINT32_MAX; u64 type = events[i].data.u64 & ~fd; switch(type){ case LINUX_4ED_EVENT_X11: { LinuxHandleX11Events(); } break; case LINUX_4ED_EVENT_X11_INTERNAL: { XProcessInternalConnection(linuxvars.XDisplay, fd); } break; case LINUX_4ED_EVENT_STEP: { u64 ev; int ret; do { ret = read(linuxvars.step_event_fd, &ev, 8); } while (ret != -1 || errno != EAGAIN); do_step = 1; } break; case LINUX_4ED_EVENT_STEP_TIMER: { u64 count; int ret; do { ret = read(linuxvars.step_timer_fd, &count, 8); } while (ret != -1 || errno != EAGAIN); do_step = 1; } break; case LINUX_4ED_EVENT_CLI: { system_schedule_step(); } break; } } if (do_step){ linuxvars.last_step = system_now_time(); if (linuxvars.input.first_step || !linuxvars.has_xfixes){ XConvertSelection(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, linuxvars.atom_UTF8_STRING, linuxvars.atom_CLIPBOARD, linuxvars.XWindow, CurrentTime); } Application_Step_Result result = {}; result.mouse_cursor_type = APP_MOUSE_CURSOR_DEFAULT; result.trying_to_kill = !linuxvars.keep_running; if (linuxvars.new_clipboard){ linuxvars.input.clipboard = linuxvars.clipboard_contents; linuxvars.new_clipboard = 0; } else { linuxvars.input.clipboard = null_string; } b32 keep_running = linuxvars.keep_running; app.step(&sysfunc, &target, &memory_vars, &linuxvars.input, &result, clparams); if (result.perform_kill){ break; } else if (!keep_running && !linuxvars.keep_running){ linuxvars.keep_running = true; } if (linuxvars.do_toggle){ linux_toggle_fullscreen(); linuxvars.do_toggle = false; } if (result.animating){ system_schedule_step(); } LinuxRedrawTarget(); if (result.mouse_cursor_type != linuxvars.cursor && !linuxvars.input.mouse.l){ Cursor c = xcursors[result.mouse_cursor_type]; if (!linuxvars.hide_cursor){ XDefineCursor(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow, c); } linuxvars.cursor = result.mouse_cursor_type; } flush_thread_group(BACKGROUND_THREADS); linuxvars.input.first_step = 0; linuxvars.input.keys = null_key_input_data; linuxvars.input.mouse.press_l = 0; linuxvars.input.mouse.release_l = 0; linuxvars.input.mouse.press_r = 0; linuxvars.input.mouse.release_r = 0; linuxvars.input.mouse.wheel = 0; } } if (linuxvars.XDisplay){ if (linuxvars.XWindow){ XDestroyWindow(linuxvars.XDisplay, linuxvars.XWindow); } XCloseDisplay(linuxvars.XDisplay); } return(0); } #include "4ed_shared_fonts.cpp" #include "linux_4ed_file_track.cpp" #include "4ed_font_static_functions.cpp" // BOTTOM // vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4