/* * Mr. 4th Dimention - Allen Webster * * 23.02.2016 * * Types shared by custom and application * */ // TOP #ifndef FRED_BUFFER_TYPES_H #define FRED_BUFFER_TYPES_H typedef unsigned char Code; typedef enum{ MDFR_SHIFT_INDEX, MDFR_CONTROL_INDEX, MDFR_ALT_INDEX, MDFR_CAPS_INDEX, // always last MDFR_INDEX_COUNT } Key_Control; typedef struct Key_Event_Data{ Code keycode; Code character; Code character_no_caps_lock; char modifiers[MDFR_INDEX_COUNT]; } Key_Event_Data; typedef struct Mouse_State{ char l, r; char press_l, press_r; char release_l, release_r; char wheel; char out_of_window; int x, y; } Mouse_State; typedef struct Full_Cursor{ int pos; int line, character; float unwrapped_x, unwrapped_y; float wrapped_x, wrapped_y; } Full_Cursor; typedef enum{ buffer_seek_pos, buffer_seek_wrapped_xy, buffer_seek_unwrapped_xy, buffer_seek_line_char } Buffer_Seek_Type; typedef struct Buffer_Seek{ Buffer_Seek_Type type; union{ struct { int pos; }; struct { int round_down; float x, y; }; struct { int line, character; }; }; } Buffer_Seek; static Buffer_Seek seek_pos(int pos){ Buffer_Seek result; result.type = buffer_seek_pos; result.pos = pos; return(result); } static Buffer_Seek seek_wrapped_xy(float x, float y, int round_down){ Buffer_Seek result; result.type = buffer_seek_wrapped_xy; result.x = x; result.y = y; result.round_down = round_down; return(result); } static Buffer_Seek seek_unwrapped_xy(float x, float y, int round_down){ Buffer_Seek result; result.type = buffer_seek_unwrapped_xy; result.x = x; result.y = y; result.round_down = round_down; return(result); } static Buffer_Seek seek_xy(float x, float y, int round_down, int unwrapped){ Buffer_Seek result; result.type = unwrapped?buffer_seek_unwrapped_xy:buffer_seek_wrapped_xy; result.x = x; result.y = y; result.round_down = round_down; return(result); } static Buffer_Seek seek_line_char(int line, int character){ Buffer_Seek result; result.type = buffer_seek_line_char; result.line = line; result.character = character; return(result); } typedef union Range{ struct{ int min, max; }; struct{ int start, end; }; } Range; inline Range make_range(int p1, int p2){ Range range; if (p1 < p2){ range.min = p1; range.max = p2; } else{ range.min = p2; range.max = p1; } return(range); } enum Dynamic_Type{ dynamic_type_int, dynamic_type_string, // never below this dynamic_type_count }; struct Dynamic{ int type; union{ struct{ int str_len; char *str_value; }; int int_value; }; }; inline Dynamic dynamic_int(int x){ Dynamic result; result.type = dynamic_type_int; result.int_value = x; return result; } inline Dynamic dynamic_string(const char *string, int len){ Dynamic result; result.type = dynamic_type_string; result.str_len = len; result.str_value = (char*)(string); return result; } inline int dynamic_to_int(Dynamic *dynamic){ int result = 0; if (dynamic->type == dynamic_type_int){ result = dynamic->int_value; } return result; } inline char* dynamic_to_string(Dynamic *dynamic, int *len){ char *result = 0; if (dynamic->type == dynamic_type_string){ result = dynamic->str_value; *len = dynamic->str_len; } return result; } inline int dynamic_to_bool(Dynamic *dynamic){ int result = 0; if (dynamic->type == dynamic_type_int){ result = (dynamic->int_value != 0); } else{ result = 1; } return result; } typedef struct File_Info{ String filename; int folder; } File_Info; typedef struct File_List{ // Ignore this, it's for internal stuff. void *block; // The list of files and folders. File_Info *infos; int count; // Ignore this, it's for internal stuff. int block_size; } File_List; #endif // BOTTOM