Basics of relex are now in place
This commit is contained in:
@ -548,9 +548,6 @@ TYPEDEF_FUNC i32 File_Edit_Range_Function(struct Application_Links *app, Buffer_
Interval_i64 range, String_Const_u8 text);
#define FILE_EDIT_RANGE_SIG(name) i32 name(struct Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id, Interval_i64 range, String_Const_u8 text)
TYPEDEF_FUNC i32 File_Edit_Finished_Function(struct Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID *buffer_ids, i32 buffer_id_count);
#define FILE_EDIT_FINISHED_SIG(name) i32 name(struct Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID *buffer_ids, i32 buffer_id_count)
TYPEDEF_FUNC i32 File_Externally_Modified_Function(struct Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id);
#define FILE_EXTERNALLY_MODIFIED_SIG(name) i32 name(struct Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id)
@ -291,6 +291,17 @@ block_fill_u64(void *a, umem size, u64 val){
#define block_match_struct(a,b) block_match((a), (b), sizeof(*(a)))
#define block_match_array(a,b) block_match((a), (b), sizeof(a))
internal void
block_copy_array_shift__inner(void *dst, void *src, umem it_size, Interval_i64 range, i64 shift){
u8 *dptr = (u8*)dst;
u8 *sptr = (u8*)src;
dptr += it_size*(range.first + shift);
sptr += it_size*range.first;
block_copy(dptr, sptr, it_size*(range.one_past_last - range.first));
#define block_copy_array_shift(d,s,r,h) block_copy_array_shift__inner((d),(s),sizeof(*(d)),(r),(h))
internal f32
@ -1027,6 +1027,24 @@ BUFFER_NAME_RESOLVER_SIG(default_buffer_name_resolution){
internal void
do_full_lex(Application_Links *app, Buffer_ID buffer_id){
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 contents = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer_id);
Token_List list = lex_full_input_cpp(scratch, contents);
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
Base_Allocator *allocator = managed_scope_allocator(app, scope);
Token_Array tokens = {};
tokens.tokens = base_array(allocator, Token, list.total_count);
tokens.count = list.total_count;
tokens.max = list.total_count;
token_fill_memory_from_list(tokens.tokens, &list);
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
block_copy_struct(tokens_ptr, &tokens);
b32 treat_as_code = false;
b32 lex_without_strings = false;
@ -1144,18 +1162,7 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_file_settings){
if (use_lexer){
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
String_Const_u8 contents = push_whole_buffer(app, scratch, buffer_id);
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
Base_Allocator *allocator = managed_scope_allocator(app, scope);
Arena alloc_arena = make_arena(allocator);
Token_List list = lex_full_input_cpp(&alloc_arena, contents);
Token_Array tokens = token_array_from_list(&alloc_arena, &list);
Token_Array *tokens_ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
block_copy_struct(tokens_ptr, &tokens);
do_full_lex(app, buffer_id);
#if 0
@ -1176,8 +1183,8 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_file_settings){
// no meaning for return
// buffer_id
// no meaning for return
@ -1186,7 +1193,7 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_file_save){
if (global_config.automatically_indent_text_on_save &&
buffer_get_setting(app, buffer_id, BufferSetting_VirtualWhitespace, &is_virtual)){
if (is_virtual){
i32 buffer_size = (i32)buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id);
i64 buffer_size = buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id);
buffer_auto_indent(app, buffer_id, 0, buffer_size, DEF_TAB_WIDTH, DEFAULT_INDENT_FLAGS | AutoIndent_FullTokens);
@ -1195,23 +1202,73 @@ BUFFER_HOOK_SIG(default_file_save){
// no meaning for return
// buffer_id, range, text
Interval_i64 replace_range = Ii64(range.first, range.first + text.size);
i64 insert_size = range_size(range);
i64 text_shift = replace_range_shift(replace_range, insert_size);
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
Managed_Scope scope = buffer_get_managed_scope(app, buffer_id);
Token_Array *ptr = scope_attachment(app, scope, attachment_tokens, Token_Array);
if (ptr != 0 && ptr->tokens != 0){
i64 token_index_first = token_relex_first(ptr, range.first, 1);
i64 token_index_resync_guess = token_relex_resync(ptr, range.one_past_last, 16);
Token *token_first = ptr->tokens + token_index_first;
Token *token_resync = ptr->tokens + token_index_resync_guess;
Interval_i64 relex_range = Ii64(token_first->pos, token_resync->pos + token_resync->size);
String_Const_u8 partial_text = push_buffer_range(app, scratch, buffer_id, relex_range);
Token_List relex_list = lex_full_input_cpp(scratch, partial_text);
if (relex_range.one_past_last < buffer_get_size(app, buffer_id)){
#if 0
for (i32 i = 0; i < buffer_id_count; i += 1){
// buffer_ids[i]
Token_Relex relex = token_relex(relex_list, token_first->pos - text_shift,
ptr->tokens, token_index_first, token_index_resync_guess);
Base_Allocator *allocator = managed_scope_allocator(app, scope);
if (relex.successful_resync){
i64 token_index_resync = relex.first_resync_index;
Interval_i64 head = Ii64(0, token_index_first);
Interval_i64 tail = Ii64(token_index_resync, ptr->count);
i64 tail_shift = relex_list.total_count - (token_index_resync - token_index_first);
i64 new_tokens_count = ptr->count + tail_shift;
Token *new_tokens = base_array(allocator, Token, new_tokens_count);
Token *old_tokens = ptr->tokens;
block_copy_array_shift(new_tokens, old_tokens, head, 0);
for (i64 i = tail.first; i < tail.one_past_last; i += 1){
old_tokens[i].pos += text_shift;
block_copy_array_shift(new_tokens, ptr->tokens, tail, tail_shift);
token_fill_memory_from_list(new_tokens + head.one_past_last, &relex_list);
base_free(allocator, ptr->tokens);
ptr->tokens = new_tokens;
ptr->count = new_tokens_count;
ptr->max = new_tokens_count;
base_free(allocator, ptr->tokens);
do_full_lex(app, buffer_id);
// no meaning for return
// buffer_id
Scratch_Block scratch(app);
String_Const_u8 name = push_buffer_unique_name(app, scratch, buffer_id);
String_Const_u8 str = push_u8_stringf(scratch, "Modified externally: %s\n", name.str);
@ -1331,7 +1388,6 @@ set_all_default_hooks(Bind_Helper *context){
set_new_file_hook(context, default_new_file);
set_save_file_hook(context, default_file_save);
set_file_edit_range_hook(context, default_file_edit_range);
set_file_edit_finished_hook(context, default_file_edit_finished);
set_file_externally_modified_hook(context, default_file_externally_modified);
set_end_file_hook(context, end_file_close_jump_list);
@ -196,12 +196,14 @@ get_bindings(void *data, i32 size){
set_open_file_hook(context, default_file_settings);
set_new_file_hook(context, default_new_file);
set_save_file_hook(context, default_file_save);
set_file_edit_range_hook(context, default_file_edit_range);
set_file_externally_modified_hook(context, default_file_externally_modified);
set_end_file_hook(context, end_file_close_jump_list);
set_input_filter(context, default_suppress_mouse_filter);
set_command_caller(context, default_command_caller);
set_render_caller(context, default_render_caller);
set_input_filter(context, default_suppress_mouse_filter);
set_scroll_rule(context, smooth_scroll_rule);
set_buffer_name_resolver(context, default_buffer_name_resolution);
set_modify_color_table_hook(context, default_modify_color_table);
@ -219,15 +219,6 @@ set_file_edit_range_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, File_Edit_Range_Function *func){
write_unit(helper, unit);
internal void
set_file_edit_finished_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, File_Edit_Finished_Function *func){
Binding_Unit unit = {};
unit.type = unit_hook;
unit.hook.hook_id = special_hook_file_edit_finished;
unit.hook.func = (void*)func;
write_unit(helper, unit);
internal void
set_file_externally_modified_hook(Bind_Helper *helper, File_Externally_Modified_Function *func){
Binding_Unit unit = {};
@ -134,6 +134,7 @@ table_rehash(Table_u64_u64 *dst, Table_u64_u64 *src){
internal b32
table_insert(Table_u64_u64 *table, u64 key, u64 val){
b32 result = false;
if (key != table_empty_key && key != table_erased_key){
Table_Lookup lookup = table_lookup(table, key);
if (!lookup.found_match){
if ((table->dirty_count + 1)*8 >= table->slot_count*7){
@ -151,6 +152,7 @@ table_insert(Table_u64_u64 *table, u64 key, u64 val){
table_insert__inner(table, lookup, val);
result = true;
@ -288,6 +290,7 @@ table_rehash(Table_u32_u16 *dst, Table_u32_u16 *src){
internal b32
table_insert(Table_u32_u16 *table, u32 key, u16 val){
b32 result = false;
if (key != table_empty_u32_key && key != table_erased_u32_key){
Table_Lookup lookup = table_lookup(table, key);
if (!lookup.found_match){
if ((table->dirty_count + 1)*8 >= table->slot_count*7){
@ -305,6 +308,7 @@ table_insert(Table_u32_u16 *table, u32 key, u16 val){
table_insert__inner(table, lookup, key, val);
result = true;
@ -453,6 +457,7 @@ table_rehash(Table_Data_u64 *dst, Table_Data_u64 *src){
internal b32
table_insert(Table_Data_u64 *table, Data key, u64 val){
b32 result = false;
if ( != 0){
Table_Lookup lookup = table_lookup(table, key);
if (!lookup.found_match){
if ((table->dirty_count + 1)*8 >= table->slot_count*7){
@ -470,6 +475,7 @@ table_insert(Table_Data_u64 *table, Data key, u64 val){
table_insert__inner(table, lookup, key, val);
result = true;
@ -612,6 +618,7 @@ table_rehash(Table_u64_Data *dst, Table_u64_Data *src){
internal b32
table_insert(Table_u64_Data *table, u64 key, Data val){
b32 result = false;
if (key != table_empty_key && table_erased_key){
Table_Lookup lookup = table_lookup(table, key);
if (!lookup.found_match){
if ((table->dirty_count + 1)*8 >= table->slot_count*7){
@ -629,6 +636,7 @@ table_insert(Table_u64_Data *table, u64 key, Data val){
table_insert__inner(table, lookup, val);
result = true;
@ -772,6 +780,7 @@ table_rehash(Table_Data_Data *dst, Table_Data_Data *src){
internal b32
table_insert(Table_Data_Data *table, Data key, Data val){
b32 result = false;
if ( != 0){
Table_Lookup lookup = table_lookup(table, key);
if (!lookup.found_match){
if ((table->dirty_count + 1)*8 >= table->slot_count*7){
@ -789,6 +798,7 @@ table_insert(Table_Data_Data *table, Data key, Data val){
table_insert__inner(table, lookup, key, val);
result = true;
@ -23,18 +23,35 @@ token_list_push(Arena *arena, Token_List *list, Token *token){
list->total_count += 1;
internal Token_Array
token_array_from_list(Arena *arena, Token_List *list){
Token_Array array = {};
if (list->node_count > 1){
array.tokens = push_array(arena, Token, list->total_count);
Token *ptr = array.tokens;
internal void
token_fill_memory_from_list(Token *dst, Token_List *list){
Token *ptr = dst;
for (Token_Block *node = list->first;
node != 0;
node = node->next){
block_copy_dynamic_array(ptr, node->tokens, node->count);
ptr += node->count;
internal Token_Array
token_array_from_list_always_copy(Arena *arena, Token_List *list){
Token_Array array = {};
if (list->node_count >= 1){
array.tokens = push_array(arena, Token, list->total_count);
token_fill_memory_from_list(array.tokens, list);
array.count = list->total_count;
array.max = array.count;
internal Token_Array
token_array_from_list(Arena *arena, Token_List *list){
Token_Array array = {};
if (list->node_count > 1){
array.tokens = push_array(arena, Token, list->total_count);
token_fill_memory_from_list(array.tokens, list);
array.count = list->total_count;
array.max = array.count;
@ -49,10 +66,11 @@ token_array_from_list(Arena *arena, Token_List *list){
internal i64
token_index_from_pos(Token *tokens, i64 count, i64 pos){
i64 result = 0;
if (count > 0){
if (pos >= tokens[count - 1].pos){
result = count - 1;
else if (pos < 0){
else if (pos <= tokens[0].pos){
result = 0;
@ -61,7 +79,7 @@ token_index_from_pos(Token *tokens, i64 count, i64 pos){
for (;;){
i64 index = (first + one_past_last) >> 1;
i64 index_pos = tokens[index].pos;
if (index_pos > pos){
if (index_pos > p){
one_past_last = index;
else if (index_pos + tokens[index].size <= pos){
@ -73,6 +91,7 @@ token_index_from_pos(Token *tokens, i64 count, i64 pos){
@ -562,5 +581,97 @@ token_it_dec(Token_Iterator *it){
internal void
token_drop_eof(Token_List *list){
if (list->last != 0){
Token_Block *block = list->last;
if (block->tokens[block->count - 1].kind == TokenBaseKind_EOF){
list->total_count -= 1;
block->count -= 1;
if (block->count == 0){
zdll_remove(list->first, list->last, block);
list->node_count -= 1;
internal i64
token_relex_first(Token_Array *tokens, i64 edit_range_first, i64 backup_repeats){
Token_Iterator_Array it = token_iterator_pos(0, tokens, edit_range_first);
b32 good_status = true;
for (i64 i = 0; i < backup_repeats && good_status; i += 1){
good_status = token_it_dec(&it);
if (good_status){
for (;;){
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
if (!HasFlag(token->flags, TokenBaseFlag_PreprocessorBody)){
if (!token_it_dec(&it)){
internal i64
token_relex_resync(Token_Array *tokens, i64 edit_range_first, i64 look_ahead_repeats){
Token_Iterator_Array it = token_iterator_pos(0, tokens, edit_range_first);
b32 good_status = true;
for (i64 i = 0; i < look_ahead_repeats && good_status; i += 1){
good_status = token_it_inc(&it);
if (good_status){
for (;;){
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
if (!HasFlag(token->flags, TokenBaseFlag_PreprocessorBody)){
if (!token_it_inc(&it)){
internal Token_Relex
token_relex(Token_List relex_list, i64 new_pos_to_old_pos_shift, Token *tokens, i64 relex_first, i64 relex_last){
Token_Relex relex = {};
if (relex_list.total_count > 0){
Token_Array relexed_tokens = {tokens + relex_first, relex_last - relex_first + 1};
Token_Iterator_List it = token_iterator_index(0, &relex_list, relex_list.total_count - 1);
for (;;){
Token *token = token_it_read(&it);
i64 new_pos_rebased = token->pos + new_pos_to_old_pos_shift;
i64 old_token_index = token_index_from_pos(&relexed_tokens, new_pos_rebased);
Token *old_token = relexed_tokens.tokens + old_token_index;
if (new_pos_rebased == old_token->pos &&
token->size == old_token->size &&
token->kind == old_token->kind &&
token->sub_kind == old_token->sub_kind &&
token->flags == old_token->flags &&
token->sub_flags == old_token->sub_flags){
relex.successful_resync = true;
relex.first_resync_index = relex_first + old_token_index;
if (!token_it_dec_all(&it)){
@ -81,6 +81,11 @@ struct Token_List{
i64 total_count;
struct Token_Relex{
b32 successful_resync;
i64 first_resync_index;
struct Token_Iterator_Array{
u64 user_id;
Token *ptr;
@ -173,7 +173,6 @@ interpret_binding_buffer(Models *models, void *buffer, i32 size){
models->hook_save_file = 0;
models->hook_end_file = 0;
models->hook_file_edit_range = 0;
models->hook_file_edit_finished = 0;
models->command_caller = 0;
models->render_caller = 0;
models->input_filter = 0;
@ -379,11 +378,6 @@ interpret_binding_buffer(Models *models, void *buffer, i32 size){
models->hook_file_edit_range = (File_Edit_Range_Function*)unit->hook.func;
case special_hook_file_edit_finished:
models->hook_file_edit_finished = (File_Edit_Finished_Function*)unit->hook.func;
case special_hook_file_externally_modified:
models->hook_file_externally_modified = (File_Externally_Modified_Function*)unit->hook.func;
@ -1346,68 +1340,6 @@ App_Step_Sig(app_step){
// NOTE(allen): hook for files marked "edit finished"
File_Edit_Finished_Function *hook_file_edit_finished = models->hook_file_edit_finished;
if (hook_file_edit_finished != 0){
Working_Set *working_set = &models->working_set;
if (working_set->edit_finished_count > 0){
Assert(working_set-> != 0);
b32 trigger_hook = false;
u32 elapse_time = models->edit_finished_hook_repeat_speed;
if (elapse_time != 0){
trigger_hook = true;
else if (working_set->time_of_next_edit_finished_signal == 0){
u32 trigger_window_length = 0;
if (elapse_time > 5){
trigger_window_length = elapse_time - 5;
u64 trigger_time = system->now_time() + (u64)trigger_window_length*1000LLU;
working_set->time_of_next_edit_finished_signal = trigger_time;
system->wake_up_timer_set(working_set->edit_finished_timer, elapse_time);
else if (system->now_time() >= working_set->time_of_next_edit_finished_signal){
trigger_hook = true;
if (trigger_hook){
Arena *scratch = &models->mem.arena;
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
Node *first = working_set->;
Node *one_past_last = &working_set->edit_finished_sentinel;
i32 max_id_count = working_set->edit_finished_count;
Editing_File **file_ptrs = push_array(scratch, Editing_File*, max_id_count);
Buffer_ID *ids = push_array(scratch, Buffer_ID, max_id_count);
i32 id_count = 0;
for (Node *node = first;
node != one_past_last;
node = node->next){
Editing_File *file_ptr = CastFromMember(Editing_File, edit_finished_mark_node, node);
file_ptrs[id_count] = file_ptr;
ids[id_count] = file_ptr->id;
id_count += 1;
working_set->do_not_mark_edits = true;
hook_file_edit_finished(&models->app_links, ids, id_count);
working_set->do_not_mark_edits = false;
for (i32 i = 0; i < id_count; i += 1){
file_ptrs[i]->edit_finished_marked = false;
working_set->edit_finished_count = 0;
working_set->time_of_next_edit_finished_signal = 0;
// NOTE(allen): if the exit signal has been sent, run the exit hook.
if (input->trying_to_kill){
models->keep_playing = false;
@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ struct Models{
Buffer_Hook_Function *hook_save_file;
Buffer_Hook_Function *hook_end_file;
File_Edit_Range_Function *hook_file_edit_range;
File_Edit_Finished_Function *hook_file_edit_finished;
File_Externally_Modified_Function *hook_file_externally_modified;
Command_Caller_Hook_Function *command_caller;
Render_Caller_Function *render_caller;
@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ internal void
edit_pre_state_change(Models *models, Editing_File *file){
System_Functions *system = models->system;
file_add_dirty_flag(file, DirtyState_UnsavedChanges);
file_unmark_edit_finished(&models->working_set, file);
internal void
@ -191,10 +190,10 @@ edit_single(Models *models, Editing_File *file, Interval_i64 range, String_Const
Assert(edit.range.one_past_last <= buffer_size(buffer));
Arena *scratch = &models->mem.arena;
Temp_Memory temp = begin_temp(scratch);
// NOTE(allen): history update
if (!behaviors.do_not_post_to_history){
// TODO(allen): if the edit number counter is not updated, maybe auto-merge edits? Wouldn't that just work?
history_dump_records_after_index(&file->state.history, file->state.current_record_index);
history_record_edit(&models->global_history, &file->state.history, buffer, edit);
file->state.current_record_index = history_get_record_count(&file->state.history);
@ -203,9 +202,10 @@ edit_single(Models *models, Editing_File *file, Interval_i64 range, String_Const
// NOTE(allen): fixing stuff beforewards????
edit_pre_state_change(models, file);
// NOTE(allen): edit range hook
// NOTE(allen): save the original text for the edit range hook.
String_Const_u8 original_text = {};
if (models->hook_file_edit_range != 0){
models->hook_file_edit_range(&models->app_links, file->id, edit.range, edit.text);
original_text = buffer_stringify(scratch, &file->state.buffer, edit.range);
// NOTE(allen): expand spec, compute shift
@ -227,8 +227,13 @@ edit_single(Models *models, Editing_File *file, Interval_i64 range, String_Const
// NOTE(allen): cursor fixing
edit_fix_markers(models, file, edit);
// NOTE(allen): mark edit finished
file_mark_edit_finished(&models->working_set, file);
// NOTE(allen): edit range hook
if (models->hook_file_edit_range != 0){
Interval_i64 new_range = Ii64(edit.range.first, edit.range.first + edit.text.size);
models->hook_file_edit_range(&models->app_links, file->id, new_range, original_text);
internal void
@ -233,8 +233,6 @@ file_create_from_string(Models *models, Editing_File *file, String_Const_u8 val,
file->lifetime_object = lifetime_alloc_object(&models->lifetime_allocator, DynamicWorkspace_Buffer, file);
history_init(&models->app_links, &file->state.history);
file_mark_edit_finished(&models->working_set, file);
file->state.cached_layouts_arena = make_arena(allocator);
file->state.line_layout_table = make_table_Data_u64(allocator, 500);
@ -272,8 +270,6 @@ file_free(System_Functions *system, Lifetime_Allocator *lifetime_allocator, Work
file_unmark_edit_finished(working_set, file);
@ -83,8 +83,6 @@ struct Editing_File{
Node touch_node;
Node external_mod_node;
Node edit_finished_mark_node;
b32 edit_finished_marked;
b32 is_loading;
Buffer_ID id;
Editing_File_Settings settings;
@ -125,9 +125,6 @@ working_set_init(Models *models, Working_Set *working_set){
working_set->edit_finished_timer = system->wake_up_timer_create();
local_const i32 slot_count = 128;
Base_Allocator *allocator = get_base_allocator_system(system);
working_set->id_to_ptr_table = make_table_u64_u64(allocator, slot_count);
@ -502,36 +499,6 @@ file_get_next(Working_Set *working_set, Editing_File *file){
internal void
file_mark_edit_finished(Working_Set *working_set, Editing_File *file){
// TODO(allen): do(propogate do_not_mark_edits down the edit pipeline to here)
// This current method only works for synchronous calls, asynchronous calls
// will get the wrong do_not_mark_edits value.
if (!working_set->do_not_mark_edits){
if (!file->edit_finished_marked){
file->edit_finished_marked = true;
working_set->edit_finished_count += 1;
internal b32
file_unmark_edit_finished(Working_Set *working_set, Editing_File *file){
b32 result = false;
if (!working_set->do_not_mark_edits){
if (file->edit_finished_marked){
file->edit_finished_marked = false;
working_set->edit_finished_count -= 1;
result = true;
internal Editing_File*
@ -26,12 +26,6 @@ struct Working_Set{
Node touch_order_sentinel;
i32 active_file_count;
Node edit_finished_sentinel;
i32 edit_finished_count;
u64 time_of_next_edit_finished_signal;
Plat_Handle edit_finished_timer;
b32 do_not_mark_edits;
Table_u64_u64 id_to_ptr_table;
Table_Data_u64 canon_table;
Table_Data_u64 name_table;
@ -51,12 +45,6 @@ struct Working_Set{
i32 clipboard_rolling;
internal void
file_mark_edit_finished(Working_Set *working_set, Editing_File *file);
internal b32
file_unmark_edit_finished(Working_Set *working_set, Editing_File *file);
Reference in New Issue